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"TYLER!!!" I shrieked as I bolted for the slipping boy.

It felt like everything went in slow motion. The last second Tyler turned his head and his eyes met mine. They where full of pain and tears.

And then he dropped off the bridge.

I screamed in pure fear and grasped after him.

I felt a big tug in my right arm and looked down to realize I had caught Tyler's right arm. I held him by the wrist and the rest of him dangled freely above the water.

"Let go!" Tyler spat, his voice full of annoyance.

"No, I won't. I will never", I replied and tried to hold my tears in.

With all the strength I could muster I pulled Tyler up. He didn't weight much.

I hauled him onto the forest road, and that's when he broke. He cried for ten minutes straight, and I put him in my lap and let him cry. It felt so good having him in my arms tightly. But it completely ripped my soul apart when I saw him cry this much. He nearly ended his life and it felt devastating. 

"Hey, beautiful, don't cry", I smiled slightly and lifted his chin up.

"I-I'm so sorry Josh", he choked on his tears.

"Never leave me again", I said and stared into his big brown eyes.

"I promise I won't", he said.

And I gently pressed my lips against his.

TEXTS Josh Dun x Tyler Joseph Twenty One PilotsWhere stories live. Discover now