"tell him i moved on"

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[a month ago]

harry shut his eyes, which probably wasn't the best idea to do when you're going 60 on a highway.

brightness was all he could see when he opened his eyes back up, and for just a moment, he was confused.


only sunlight.

he didn't know how to feel. how could the sun shine so bright when he felt as if his world was crashing down.

on the other hand, why should he be so upset? why should he have to make himself feel bad when he could just forget about him.

what good was that going to do?

he was going to continue his life without him, of course. the way he had been before they even met.

and if harry continued to drive when his phone rang and he looked down to see louis' name, nobody had to know.


"he left me, ni. he just left."

"can you really blame him? you need to get your shit together and really think about what you did. i would've left you too."

and louis kinda knew what he did was fucked, but he couldn't help himself. ian was supposed to be his forever, but then harry came along and now he suddenly thinks maybe he could be his forever?

it was all so confusing to him. he couldn't even begin to imagine how harry was feeling. he had tried so many times to contact him, but he had realized maybe he did need to give him a little more space.

but then, days of not answering turned into weeks, which then turned into a month.

[present time]

louis: hi harry

louis: miss you.

louis: i see you're reading these.

louis: listen, i didn't explain everything and i just.

louis: i need you.

harry only stared at the messages, not responding to his messages, but going to another message thread instead.

harry: tell him to stop messaging me.

harry: and that i miss him.

harry: no. don't tell him that.

harry: tell him i moved on.

niall: you sure?

harry: i think so.


harry put his phone away, trying his best to ignore the incoming messages from louis. this was what he wanted, right? he wanted louis to need him, or at least want.

now here he was, pouring his heart out to him over messages when he had the chance to do it right in front of him. it was so hard to tell what louis wanted.

maybe louis doesn't know what he really wants. he knows he's still with ian, and yeah, it fucking hurts considering all that's happened, but what can he do? the only person that could help louis figure out exactly what he wanted was himself.

he was going to focus on himself for now, instead of chasing after someone who he wasn't sure really wanted him.

he sat himself up in the bed, and looked over to the sleeping body next to his. and fuck his heart started hurting because that was not louis, and he was doubting it ever would be him.

he didn't even notice he was crying until the boy next to him started to wake up. he quickly wiped his eyes, erasing the evidence of any tears on his face.

he was gonna be fine.

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