Chapter 1- Introduction

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And the crowd goes wild! Another successful ride, if I do say so myself.

"Ryder!" My dad calls out to me while running through the crowded stands. My dad is literally my biggest fan. My brother Cole doesn't really care too much, he thinks that riding is to dangerous. I don't know what his problem is though, I mean if you are careful it's not that dangerous.

"Dad!" I scream to him as I run over to him. Out of all of my fans, my father is my favorite. He comes to every single show, and always cheers me on.

"You did great sweetie." he compliments me.

"Thank you dad." I respond back as I go and hug him.

Let me introduce myself, I'm the great Ryder Ashton. Oh you've never heard of me, right. Well first of all I'm one of the best stunt riders in the state. Right behind Cameron bane. Oh how I hate that kid. Cameron is literally my biggest enemy ever. He always wins everything. If you ask me it's because all the girls think he is hot.

The thing about Cameron is that he always has to be a jerk. He always finds way to humiliate you. Weather or not you have done anything to him, or even said anything for that matter. He will push you, shoulder check you, literally anything.

Cameron thinks that he is so much better than everyone else. Cameron rides for the country, I only ride for the state. It's not like mind staying in Alaska to ride. I actually love it here. It is great for riding.

"Hey pipsqueak!" speaking of Cameron. He jogs up to me just as my dad leaves to go load my bike into the truck.

"What do you want Cameron." I hiss at the ignorant boy. I honestly wish that he would just leave me alone for once. I mean I have never even done anything to him.

"What, I can't say congratulations to my favorite munchkin." he replies back to me with a chuckle, as he messes up my hair, and pushes my helmet out of hand and onto the ground.

"Like you of all people would say anything even remotely nice like that." I scowled at him as I picked up my helmet and fixed my hair. He would never congratulate anyone but himself.

"Just stay out of my spotlight." he rolls his eyes, as he pushed me down into the dirt, and walked away laughing.

See what I mean. Cameron has no respect for anyone. I hate him. He doesn't even deserve to win.

I pick myself up and catch up with my dad, who's already half way into the truck. I climb in, and gladly he doesn't ask any questions and just starts the truck and starts the drive back home.

Anyway back to what I was saying, so I'm kinda short and I have dark chocolate brown hair with baby blue eyes. I also have some freckles under my eyes and across my nose.

My favorite sport is obviously stunt riding. I love flying through the air and just feeling free. To me riding is a way of life, and is more than just a sport, but I guess anyone could say that about any sport.

I have one older brother, Colton, he lives on the other side of the country in Georgia. He left for college 3 years ago. I've never really had the best relationship with him. Colton is a control freak and thinks that everything I do is dangerous. The worst part about Colton is the fact that he just straight up left. He never even said goodbye, to me at least. Sometimes it would be nice to receive a phone call. Just one.

I live with my dad in Alaska. I love it here, there's a lot of fields to ride and there is not that many people either. Yeah it gets pretty cold in the winter, but winter is the best time to build new routines. And we are basically guaranteed a white christmas every year.

My mom was a drug addict, she left along time ago. My mom was never around much so I never really knew her. But oh well she never cared about me or Colton. From what I heard over the years, she was a sl*t and only wanted to party and have sex.

My dad got me into stunt riding at a very young age and by the time I was 8 I had over 20 different awards. My dad is always my number 1 fan and I love him so much. I don't know what I would ever do without him.

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