Chapter 11

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I drive home in tears. Wherever I go he always finds a way to creep back into my mind and I hate him for that. 

I quickly fix the mess that used to be my eyeliner and mascara and once I finish I stare at myself in the mirror. How pathetic I am. I couldn't have hold it together? I'm more than weak, I'm just a crumbled up mess that he left behind. Like a innocent zebra in the African Safari, so beautifully curious in all its ways. Then out of nowhere a gorgeous lepoard stumbles along and lurks on its prey. The lepoard studies the zebra. It finds their weakness and uses it against them and when they are finallly in their most vulnerable state, the lepoard attacks and hunts the poor zebra. And all that remains of the zebra is flesh and bones. 

I grab my things and walk slowly to the room, wasting as much time as I can to clear my head. I find myself walking towards the garden. It probably isn't a good idea to be out here so late at night but I really don't care. I sit down, close my eyes and take in the fresh air.  I just sit there for a couple minutes and focus on my breathing. I open my eyes at the sound of twigs being stepped on. 

"Hey" Harry says with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey" I smile.

We stare at eachother but the more I stare at him the more he looks like someone else.

"How did you even get here? Your car broke down remember?" 

His figure stands there without blinking.


I come to the realization that it isn't Harry standing in front of me but rather just a tree. I really need to get inside before I hallucinate even more.

That was strange. Very strange. That was the first time that I ever day dreamed about Harry and the weird part is that he didn't look like his usual self. He looked like a different person, much more darker and threatening.

As I walk into the hallway to the dorms, I shake my head to rid me of the weird events that just occured. I take out my keys and try to push them into the door but am interrupted by the door being opened. 

"There you are!" Lace grabs my hands and practically throws me inside.

"Where were you? Did you and James go somewhere?" She raises her eyebrows suggestively.

"No I just dropped him off." I say slipping off my clothes and stepping into shorts and a sweatshirt.

"It took you that long to drop him off?" she gets excited, probably thinking that we hooked up somewhere.

"No I dropped him off and on my way home I saw Harry on the side of the road and helped him because his car broke down." She eyes me.

"I drove him home." she still looks at me as if I am telling her a joke and shes waiting for the punch line. 

"Who is this Harry guy?" she says a little too harshly.

"He's a friend of Blake. We hung out a couple of times I guess." 

"Oh a friend of Blake oh." she says with a judgemental  look on her face.

I can tell she probably doesn't like Harry because he's a friend of Blake. It's too bad really that she's judging him so hard because he's actually a nice guy. 

"So did you and James kiss? Spill!" she urges.

"Um yeah he kissed me." I say quietly knowing she will be screaming at the top of her lungs in any minute.

"You what?!" she gets up and drops her mouth open.

"But I think the next time I see him I'm gonna tell him that we should be friends." her once excited face turns into hurt and confusion.

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