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Zane held you close before he got up and started playing some MMORPG game.
"(Y/n), go make food and I'll give you a present."You hugged him tightly before going and putting burritos in the mircowave. Once they finished you being them upstairs to Zane's room.

He turned around and looked at you with a blank face.
"Lazy-woman...Walking into my room..."Zane said before taking the burritos and setting you onto his lap while he played the game.
"Zane...You're gonna get fat...If you just do this all the time.."You told Zane soon holding his hand.

Zane sighed also rolling his eyes from your comment.He grabbed your waist making you jump slightly.
"You need to do something about this to.I mean its not a problem you are h-h-hot..."Zane turned red.You blushed lightly.

Zane connected his lips with your own, he had kissed you softly. You both had a light mist of pink on your cheeks as your lips moved together in syncism.

Zane licked your bottom lip asking for enterance, at first you had hesitated but allowed him to explore your "cavern" you two moved away panting.Zane had a dist in his light colored eye.You both stayed in that position for a while longer before Zane's MMORPG character started to die causing Zane to rush to "battle"

You sighed lightly before laying on his bed and falling asleep with the thoughts of your kiss in your mind.

Awful?Ah!Yes!!!I Know x3 Sowie It's So Short I'm done for now though and this is finished so yayyyyyy.

''I think...I love you''Zane x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora