😲 To Surprised to Speak😲

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A month passed and still no sign of her. I lost hope and began crying. I missed her so much. Then I heard a rustle in the woods. I didn't even bother to look up. Then something shoved its face right up in mine. I fell out of my chair in surprise. Bubbles was back! She was all over me and would not leave me alone. When I got a chance to get up and look at her and make sure she was ok. I noticed twelve little baby ducks right behind her!

 I noticed twelve little baby ducks right behind her!

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I felt very jubilated, (overjoyed). Bubbles and twelve more ducklings. How would I come up with names to name them all. And best of all Bubbles wasn't killed or even hurt! I put all the ducks in their pen and went inside. I was very thankful, I couldn't believe that she was back. This was the best day of my life.

Ok first story very short and please don't judge. Thanks!

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