Ch. 3

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     "That is the girl from the painting!" Queenie whisper-shouted. I just looked at her. I said nothing. I didn't want to. Flame is in the painting. Flame is my sister. The sister I have never wanted. She always wanted to fight me. She wanted to prove her strength. She was born first, but I was stronger. My mother thought we were just "playing", but father knew the truth. He's seen her try to fight me before. 

     "I didn't tell you for your safety! You don't know what she can do." I said. I knew she was concerned, but I didn't want her poking her head into things that she doesn't need to know. "Don't you trust me?" she asked. "I trust you but I didn't want you to interferer." I finished. She knew that I wasn't going to talk about it anymore. "If thats how you want to play." We waited for about a minute or two until I saw a light. I saw Queenie's eyes widen as Flame's feet walked right in front of the bush we were behind. I pulled out one of my daggers and handed it to Queenie. I taught her how to use it when we were kids and sometimes we train together. She knew how to use it. She grabbed it and nodded. I had this small problem with smile during a fight. She nudged me on the shoulder, telling me I was smiling.

     I wiped the smile off my face. We nodded in unison. I saw Flame walk away. We both slowly walked out of the bush. I pointed at a tree beside the trail we were on. She walked over and stood behind it. I walked a little faster. I was almost behind Flame, when she pulled out her sword. I hid behind a tree. 

     "I can hear you breathing." she said, "Don't try to hide. If you come out I won't kill that princess of yours." I caught my breath. I didn't want Queenie to hear what she just said. However, she did. I watched her walk out from behind the tree. A look of terror on her face. "Y-you wouldn't!" Queenie yelled, "You wouldn't kill me!!!" I motioned her to get back. "Hahahaha!" Flame laughed, "You really think I would listen to you?"

     All I saw was fire. The fire hit Queenie, and pushed her back. The stone from the back of her dress fell off and rolled over to me. 

(Imagine in slow motion plz, you don't have to. But i see it happening in my head so lol)

    I screamed and ran over to her. I knew it had ended. The fight was over for Queenie. I saw her crown fall off. I put out the fire with my water, but she had passed out. I couldn't take it. Flame took it too far. Small tears were crawling down my face. 

     You can stop imagining now!

     I walked over to the stone from her dress. I picked it up. "You will pay for what you did!" I yelled at Flame. The smile appeared on my face. She laughed, "Yeah, I will pay for it. WITH YOUR LIFE!" she yelled. She threw some flames at me. I dodged them. I put some of them out. They lit the forest on fire. I didn't have time to put them out though. I was going to kill Flame. I started to overpower her. She started to run. I threw my dagger at her. It caught the edge of her hood, pinning her to a tree behind her. It also made her drop her sword. It was lodged inside of the tree. She kept trying to pull it from the tree. When she got free, the dagger flew back over to me. It was bounded by my magic. She ran towards me. My hand had a dagger and the stone in it. She ended up getting a dagger of mine. It flew back to me again. She grabbed her sword and swung it. It cut my arm. I pulled back. I looked at it. The first time she has cut me in years. I didn't care though. I was able to hit her with my ice just right. She hit the ground and her sword froze. 

     I was going to kill her, but I heard Queenie's voice, "Snow?" I turned to see her. She was standing, her dress all torn, her hair messed up, everything was different. "Don't do it..." Tears in her eyes. She's never seen me like this. I turned around. Flame was gone, and trees were falling because of the fire. I grabbed her and jumped out of the fire. 

     I watched the entire forest burn down. I will kill her. She will pay for this. I looked over at Queenie, who's face was stained with tears. I walked over to her and wiped them off. "We'll get through this." I said, in a soft tone. She gave me slight smile. I picked up the sword left from the battle. I ran back into the woods. I heard Queenie yelling for me to stop. She tried to run after me but I put a wall of ice in her way. She banged on it trying to get by, but it didn't break. 

     I ran through the woods. I didn't want Queenie anywhere near the fight, but it was closer than I thought. I had let my guard down. I ran past a tree deeper into the forest when it hit me. Flame's fire bit into my arm. I screamed in pain, dropping my dagger. She pulled the sword from my hand along with the stone from Queenie's dress. When she touched the stone, it lit up. It filled the forest with light. I closed my fist on it. I tried to keep it from blinding me, but it didn't blind me. It pushed me into darkness. It scared me. I tried to get away, but I couldn't move. I couldn't talk either. Everything was different. I was dead. I felt dead. Everything around me disappeared....


     I watched before I hit. Snow ran right past me. To show I was still here, I threw at flame at her. She screamed in pain. I had it. I took the sword from her hand. I had also touched the rock from Queenie's dress. When I touched it, a blinding light flew through the forest. I dropped my sword. All of a sudden she disappeared. I looked for her, but I had to get out of the forest. I may be able to use fire, but I can still be hurt by it. I saw a wall of ice and the princess banging on it. Looking for some fun, I jumped over to her. She screamed at my presence, and she fainted. I picked her up and ran back into the castle to warn the king. 

     After the forest was completely burnt down, the king asked who lit it. "Sir, it was Snow. She tried to kill me with-" I was interrupted by Queenie. "No! You set the fire trying to kill Snow!" she yelled. "Shut it you wench!" one of the guard said and slapped her. I wasn't surprised at this. Even the princess was treated poorly. "Continue." the king said. I nodded, "She tried to kill me with the fire. She tried me to a tree and lit the tree with a torch, I cut myself free and saved the princess." Queenie didn't know what to do. It was extremely fun to watch her cry a little later.

     A day later I became Queenie's new guard. She hated it. I saw it as fun. "You know you're never going to find Snow, correct?" I asked her. "Stay away from me!" she said. I smiled. I kept my distance. I wasn't going to make her mad. Only because she had her own sword and Snow trained her. She can fight just as good as Snow, the only down side is she doesn't have magic. 

     She kept a bracelet with green on it though. The gem on it sat on her shoulder with a chain leading to it. She kept it close. I think it was a present from Snow. Who knew my sister was that bad at getting gifts...


Omg. Ok so this chapter was really fun to make. I still dunno if I will ever make a better 1 than this one. So plz comment. I don't care if you follow or not, or share. I will ask for those but I don't really mean it! lol! Later!!!


P.S. My bff changed my thing and said she changed my name or something to Kawaii-Kitty so if you is wondering where that came from it was her!

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