Ch. 4

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Cassy (Hybrid High) 

     I was walking through the forest behind the school. Joey and I were having a picnic there. I saw some blackberries on a trail about a week ago, so I went to see if there were any left for us to eat. I walked about 10 steps when I saw her. A girl asleep on the ground. She had on armour, and a black skirt. She had boots, with stockings up to her knees. A belt with two holders on it. She had a dagger in her hand. Her other and was shut balled into a fist. Her hair was brown, with two bangs on the sides and the rest was pinned up. I have seen the dagger she held in her hand before. The handle was frozen. 

     I yelled for Joey. He came running down the trail, I guess he thought I was hurt or something. "What's wrong? I brought band-aids!" I laughed at him. I showed him the girl. I picked her up. I told him I was taking her to the dorms. He was going to pack up our stuff and meet me there. 

    I noticed the fact that she had a cut on her arm and the back of her clothes were burnt. Like she was in the fire that burned the forest down. They planted some trees though.

      I put her on the couch and called the school doctor. Yes, my school has its own doctor, thats why we make so much money for the school band. Anyway when the doctor got there, she examined the girl. She said the girl was ok and just need some sleep, however she couldn't explain the burns on her clothes. I just thought she went camping with some friends, but got lost or something and fell asleep. I let the girl sleep. Joey got there. 

     "So. What are we going to do?" he said. "I really don't know.". I noticed there was something in the girl's hand. "Hey what's that?" I asked. I tried to open her hand, but it wouldn't budge. I called Bri to see if she could open it. She eventually got there and tried as well. Nothing. 

     "Joey, how about you try?" Bri suggested. A smile appeared on my face. He thinks I am the jealous type. "O-ok." he said. He went to put his hand on hers to try to get it open, but he hovered it above her hand. I gave him a little nod, and he tried. Even he couldn't open it. 

    He called Mike. You know, the half-demon guy? Anyway he got there and tried. When he put his hand on hers and tried. Her hand opened. "Dude how did you do that? I mean I couldn'teven do that!" Joey asked. He seemed to act like his manliness was challenged. "I dunno. I didn't even try." he said.

     I looked in her hand to see, a rock? I picked it up. "Why was her hand closed over a rock?" I asked. Bri shrugged. I looked over to see the girl fully awake. Like she was never sleeping. Her hand was behind her back. She played dumb girl. "Hey. Where am I?" she asked. Everyone looked really confused. All of the school dorms look the same. TV's in the same place, we all have laptops, the rooms are in the same place. "You're in a school dorm." I said. I have never seen her around the school before. She must be new. "School?" she asked. Now I was confused. She didn't know what school was. "You know the place where you learn?" I was not sure what she was talking about. "Only men are allowed to learn, though," she said. The hell does that mean? "Wait, wait, wait, what did you just say?" I asked. "Oh no." I heard Joey mumble. "Only men are allowed to learn?" I asked. "Sexist alert!" I heard Bri yell. "Girls can do things just like boys do! Have you ever heard of Feminism?" I asked. She wasn't even paying attention. "Hey! Give me that!" I heard her yell. "No!" Mike said as he held a dagger in the air. "What do you need it for?" he asked. "Protection!" she said. She moved her hand and his hand froze. The dagger fell, on the girl. "No!" I thought it killed her but it was held up by water. She grabbed it. "Give me the stone!" she yelled putting the dagger inside of a holster. I handed it to her. She looked lost. 

     "Are you ok?" I asked. "No. Where am I? What time am I in? Help me!" she was freaking out. "Whoa slow down." I said. "You are in a school dorm, and it is May 26,2017." she turned pale. "I am way past my time!" she yelled. She got up and pushed on the door. "How do I get out? Do you have a key or something?" she asked. "You turn the knob." Bri said, "But wait! I wanna see something." The girl was irritated. "What would you like to see?" she asked. "You're dagger." She pulled the dagger out of the holster. "Just like the other one!" Bri yelled. "What?" the girl asked. "Everyone follow me!"

     Everyone followed Bri down to the library. Right in the middle of the library there were three things. A dagger, a crown, and a sword. "Exactly the same!" Bri said. "The dagger is exactly the same. The only thing is, the handle-" she was cut off by the girl. "That's my dagger!" she yelled. The librarian said shhhhhh. "That can't be your dagger. That was a guard's dagger." Bri said, "A guard named: Snow Yosei." The girl's eyes turned blue. "My name is Snow Yosei. I was a guard for Queenie Wickshire, my sister was Flare Yosei. The forest was burned down when Fare and I were fighting." she said. "You are not Snow. Snow was said to have died in the fire. The only original thing that was left was a wall of ice." Her eyes lit up. "Show me." she said. We followed Bri to this huge wall of ice. "It has been standing for years." Bri said. "I will prove the fact that I made this." she said. I gave a nod. She blinked and a wall of ice was built. I stared in awe at it. "Also my ice is unbreakable. The strongest one here needs to punch it or use magic against it." she said. Mike is stronger than Joey but I had the strongest Fire magic. Mike punched it. Nothing. I shot fire at it. Nothing. "Try the same on the other one!" she said. We did. Nothing. All of a sudden I heard a scream. It was from the school. We ran back to see the dagger. It was broken from the case and hovering above it. The girl held out her hand and the handle froze and flew into her hand. Her eyes turned gray now. She was the guard. 

"Believe me now?"


Lol I love this chapter! And the last part was awesome. So lol. Later!


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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