# 3

15 3 1


"Hey . . ."

"Hm . . . What is it, Aki?"

"What will you when we grew up? . . . Will you stay with me? Leave me?"

"Of course not! I'll stay with you forever!"

~Flashback end~

"Sho! Wake up! We're gonna be late!"

Sho groaned in annoyance and then flip over, his back facing Aki.

"Five more minutes . . . ."

"No . . . . 5 seconds is enough . . . 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . . Wake up!" Aki yelled as he pulled Sho's blanket.



"Aki, why did you do that?!"

Sho yelled angrily. Aki just glared at him, and then Sho's eyes caught a pink hair behind Aki.

"Sho-sama, Aki-sama, breakfast is ready. . . ."

Keiko said as Sho and smiled at her.

"We'll be downstairs in a minute . . ." the two boys chorus.

Keiko bowed her head and exited the room while Aki smiled devilishly at Sho.

"Sho . . . ."

Sho gulped. He knew something bad is about to happen.

"Don't smile like that, Aki. It freaks me out . . . ."

"Then. . . . . GET READY FOR SCHOOL NOW!!" 


Sho saluted as he ran towards the bathroom.

~ ~ ~

"Aki, why did you woke me up so early?" Sho ask while yawning.

Aki remove his eyes from the book and remove his reading glasses, and gaze at Sho.

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?" 

Sho tilted his head to the side.

Aki sighed and yelled at him.

"Stop that 'look' of yours!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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