How You Hug.

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Roman: with Roman being much bigger than you, he swallows you pretty much when he hugs you. But his hugs are very gentle and comforting.

Seth: Seth picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist when he hugs you. You hold tight and hide your face into his neck.

Dean: Dean loves to come up from behind and wrap his arms around your neck kissing the back of your head. He holds on to you tight.

Randy: Randy will hold onto your waist and bury his head into your neck, lifting you off the ground a bit. You love when he does this.

Finn: Finn hugs you when the two of you are both sitting down. He wraps his arms around your side and puts his head on your shoulder gently.

Baron: Baron, keeping up his bad guy act, will pull you into his side holding onto you. Your head is hid in his chest and he holds to you tight.

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