Akashi Seijuro [1]

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[Your P.O.V]

I was watching television at my house, munching on a bag of chips I bought on the way home from school.

"Man.. this programme is boring. It's even more boring than [Least Favourite Subject].. I hope something interesting happens today.." I thought to myself out loud as I lay on my sofa.

As minutes passed, I was watching television peacefully until I heard the ring of my phone. I immediately grabbed my phone and answered it without looking at the caller's contact name.

"Yo, [Your Name] speaking."

I heard a sigh with a husky voice at the other end of the call.

"Hello?" I said once more, annoyed that I didn't get a response.

"[Your Name].." the caller said.

I decided to look at the caller's contact name out of curiosity which read out - Bakashi Seijuro. Why is he calling me now, I thought my shifts were only on weekdays?

Yes, I do work for him - as vice president in the student council and also as his personal assistant. I agreed to this as i didn't have a choice. He saved me from a near death experience. A speeding vehicle was about to collide into me, but luckily Akashi was there to save me. So in order to pay the debt I owe him I'm currently working as those two occupations. Being the obedient girl I am i just had to agree and also that's how we became friends.

"Hello? Akashi-kun?"

I heard coughs from him, and in a faint voice he said, "[Your Name]... come over to my house.. This is an order.."

Judging by his tone I knew he wasn't okay.

"Okay, Akashi-kun. I'll come." I couldn't defy him. He wasn't called the emperor for nothing. Everything he says must be done and I can't oppose it.

But that is not why I obeyed him. It's because deep down, I cared for him and I was worried

Yes, I love him. Even though he hurts me physically and emotionally. I still love him. I don't care what he does and what people's impressions of him are.

"I'll be *cough* waiting.." he said, before ending the call.

I was astonished by the last words he said. I'll be waiting.

I turned off the television and went upstairs. I changed from my sloppy attire to something more presentable. After that, I immediately rushed out of my house and then down to Akashi's.

The guard guarding Akashi's house immediately let me in, instructed by Akashi when I made my first appearance. I scurried toward Akashi's room, not bothering to knock and just barged inside.

I saw him in his bed, snuggled up against his blanket. He looked so cold.

I sat beside him and placed a hand on his forehead to check his temperature. I immediately pulled back because of the unbearable heat I felt.

"What have you been doing all this while, you're clearly not taking care of yourself." I said as I ran your fingers through his hair.

I placed an ice pack on his forehead, which I got by ran-sacking his freezer before making my way up here. Then, I headed downstairs and told the maids to cook Akashi some porridge.

I sat beside him again, with a damp cloth, I wiped his face with it to lower down the temperature as soon as possible.

I admired his features from his eyelashes, red hair, sharp nose to pinkish lips. I gulped and tried to erase those thoughts.

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