Aomine Daiki [1]

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You were staying at Aomine's house for the weekend because you got bored and decided to barge into his house and disturb his peaceful life.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked, as you lay down on his sofa.

You grinned and waved, "I'm visiting you, isn't it obvious?"

He rolled his eyes which was very disturbing as he looked like a murderer and sat beside you. 

"I don't really give a fuck," he said.

You punched his arm playfully and glared at him, "Then why the hell did you even ask?"

He glared back at you and pushed your arm away. But as a tease you kept on punching his arm. The moment he got annoyed he started to grab your foot and attacking it with tickled.


Aomine smirked and continued tickling your poor foot.

A few moments of tickling later, he stopped and laughed at you. You were panting as you were out of breath.

"Haha, you should've seen your face!" 

You sat up, and tackled him.

"I Hate you, grrr.." You hissed and choked him to deat-- just kidding.

"A-ack! Stop!" And you stopped, why? Because it was tiring.

You leaned beside him as the both of you lay down on the sofa.

"Aren't you going to get your butt up?" you asked.

"Nah," he said, as he wrapped his long tanned arms around you.

"Too lazy," he added.

You smiled and nuzzled closer to him.

Sorry for the short chapter XD But I found it really cute tho..

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