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It's not much, but I hope you will enjoy. Also, sorry there's no picture.


Third Person Pov

The two Hamada brothers woke up extra early today. Not to head to school or hang out with their friends. But to simply celebrate their aunts birthday.

They both were in the kitchen with the lights off, waiting on their aunt to come down. "Alright. It's about time. Get ready." Tadashi whispered to his little brother. Hiro nodded in the darkness and muttered 'right' before getting into position.

The two stood still as footsteps started getting closer and closer, until they stopped and the light turned on.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday Aunt Cass!" The brothers yell before walking up to her and giving her a hug.

Aunt Cass, startled at first, hugged back and looked around the kitchen with a surprised, yet happy expression. "What's all this?" She asked while looking at the perfectly set table with freshly made breakfast food.

The two pulled back and smiled. "It's your birthday breakfast." Hiro said while pulling his aunt over to the table. "Oh you two didn't have to do this." Cass said after being seated.

Tadashi walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "We didn't have to, we wanted to." He told her with a smile.

Cass smiled at her nephews words and there actions and then took her fork, and tried the fried egg. Her eyes widen at how good the taste was. "Mmm. This is real good. I need to have you two cook around in the cafe more often." She said before taking another bite.

Tadashi and Hiro glanced at each other with smiles, and looked back at there aunt "What?" She asked, noticing there glances.

"Cooking and taking orders is what we will be doing today. You will get to have the day to yourself." Tadashi told her. She widen her eyes, and dropped the fork down. "No no no no that's a little too much for-"

"It's really nothing Aunt Cass. Come on, let us do this for you." Tadashi said, interrupting her sentence.

Cass bit her lip, and looked to her side. "I don't know." She said with an unsure tone. 

Tadashi frowned and then moved upfront of her to look at her. "We got this. Don't worry. Today's your day. Enjoy it." He told her, ending it with a smile.

Cass hesitated, but finally gave in. The two boys smiled in victory, and started to clean off the table while their aunt finished up her food.

After she was done, Hiro took her plate, and handed her something. "Here you go. A present." He said.

There aunt stared at them for a second, then looked down and seen it was a movie. A movie that she has been wanting. "Don't Go." A highly rated movie that has four disk inside. She was shocked, and yet a smile spread across her face. "Where did you find this?" She asked.

Tadashi chuckled while putting up a plate. "It wasn't easy to find, but in the end, we found it." He told her.

Cass's smile grew bigger and she got up and pulled her nephews in for a hug. "Thank you both. I didn't suspect waking up to any if this." She said with a chuckle. The two chuckled as well, and hugged back. "Your welcome. Now, get to that movie. We are about to open the cafe." Tadashi said to his aunt.

Cass smiled, and nodded. She began walking to the living room, but stopped and had a unsure look on her face.

Tadashi noticed, and figured she was still worried about the cafe. He walked up to her, put his hand on her shoulder, and gave her a reassuring smile. His aunt smiled back, getting the message, and nodded.

Giving one last glance, she finally made a exit, and walked into the living room.

"Wow that was harder then I thought." Hiro said with a huff. Tadashi chuckled and ruffled his brothers hair. "Yea well she does love this cafe. Now come on and let's open the place. Then we make the dinner for Aunt Cass and give her the next present." Tadashi said, going over the plan again briefly. His brother gave a determined smile, and then nodded before following Tadashi out to the cafe.

Line Break

It had been hours ever since the boys started doing the usual cafe duties. They cooked, filled out orders, cleaned tables, and just about done everything.

Twice already there aunt had come in to check out things. And one of those times she tried to help by grabbing a notepad but was quickly stopped by Tadashi who yet again mentioned it being her day.

She went back to the living room, defeated, and went back to finishing the third disk of the movie without being aware of the head that peeked though the door frame.

Hiro smiled, pulled his head back and nodded at his brother who stood a few feet ways behind him, signalling that she was watching the movie.

Tadashi smiled, turned around, and got some pans out. They just closed the cafe down a little early so they would  be able to cook the dinner. They knew there aunt probably wouldn't be happy about that but giving all what she wanted was their main concern.

They both pulled all the cooking supplies they needed, and got to work

Line Break/Aunt Cass Pov

I turned off the TV after my movie got finished, stood up, and stretch. It was a great movie. May even be one of my favorites. But now I'm ready to go into the cafe and see how everything went without me.

I walked out of the living room and entered the kitchen. What I walked in on made my eyes go wide. My nephews sitting at a perfectly set table with dinner food made, both smiling at me.

I walked forward after the shock, and let out a chuckle "Breakfast and dinner? You two on a role today." I say as I sat down. Steak, beans, potato's, rolls, and mac and cheese? Wow. They definitely went all out.

My thoughts were interrupted when they both stood up and walked over to me. "That's not all we done." Hiro said with a grin.

I gave a questioning look as they approached. Then, Tadashi handed me a card, a homemade card.

I looked at it and my face went into awe. "You guys made me a card? That's so sweet of you." I say with a smile. They both smiled, nodded, and then gestured me to open it. I Let out a small laugh and then opened the card. Then my laugh stopped when I read what was inside.

You are the best aunt we could ever ask for. And don't ever doubt that. Your parenting skills are better then you think. We are both proud to say you like a mother to us. We love you, and Happy Birthday.
                                  Love, your nephews

After I finished reading, I had tears in my eyes. "You okay Aunt Cass?" Hiro asked. I immediately pulled them both into a tight a hug instead of answering. "Thank you. Thank you so much. That was really sweet. I-I loved it." I say in the hug.

I pulled away, and wiped the tears with a smile. I looked back down at the card, and smiled more. That card was the best and sweetest present ever. I'm definitely keeping this somewhere.

"Alright. We don't want the food to get cold. Let's eat." Tadashi says as he began to walk over to his seat. However before he and Hiro could, I got up and pulled then into a hug again. "I love you both. So much." I say as I squeezed harder. I hear them both chuckle, and hugged back. "We love you to Aunt Cass." They say at the same time.

We pulled away, and gave each other smiles before going back to finish our meals.

I looked back down card that was in my hands under the table, and smiled.

They are the best nephews I can ever ask for, and I wouldn't have it in another way.

I know this wasn't long...or good, and I'm sorry for that. But it's something.

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