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Kyungsoo finished taking a shower and wrapper his waist with a white towel. He was about to put on his clothes but somebody knocked on the door, he opened the door and it was Jongin. The taller boy looked at him from head to toe and smirked, "It's my first time seeing you half naked."

"Yah, Jongin-ah!" He felt his cheeks started to burn and turned pink, "Go outside!" he tried to push Jongin outside but he failed, he went inside and landed on Kyungsoo's bed.

He rolled his eyes and went to his wardrobe to get clothes. He grabbed a white plain polo and gray sweater. He also grabbed boxers and black skinny jeans that's ripped on the knee part. He marched to his bathroom and put clothes on. He went outside and saw Jongin looking sleepy but trying to stay awake.

He smiled at him and went to him, "Kai, we don't have to watch the movie tonight if you're already tired." I leaned in and whispered to his ear. Jongin opened his eyes looked Kyungsoo, "I was taking a power nap, silly. Let's go?" Jongin pinched Kyungsoo's cheek and kissed it. He noticed that Kyungsoo wasn't wearing his socks yet, "You forgot your socks again."

"Oh right! Thanks." Kyungsoo got up from his bed and went back to his wardrobe to get some socks and his shoes. He went back to Jongin and sat beside him.

Jongin noticed that his socks are different—the other one was a Gudetama sock and the other one was a striped sock. He chuckled, "Hyung, your socks."

"Oh. Sorry. Right. It's o-okay." He said while wearing his White Old skool Vans that was given by Jongin as a birthday gift, "You always wear that, you haven't washed that, am I right? it looks gray now!" He chuckled and Kyungsoo shot him a glare.

"Why do you always laugh at me? Laugh with me instead of laughing at me." He rolled his eyes and stormed out from the room. The shoes was so important to him that he couldn't wash them. Jongin got his keys and ran downstairs.

"Kyungsoo-ah! Mianh—"

They both arrived from the mall, luckily nobody recognized them. They haven't talked since Kyungsoo got mad at him for laughing at his mistakes and clumsiness. Jongin started to worry and hates himself. They bought popcorn, nachos, and soda cans.

The movie starts in 10 minutes but they went inside already to watch the trailers. They sat at the last row and Jongin looks at Kyungsoo, "I'm sorry." He apologized for the 14th time.

Kyungsoo just ignored him by eating his nachos and taking a loud sip from his soda. The movie started and they watched silently.

(A/N: Spoiler) They are already on the part when Yondu was about to die, Kyungsoo started to cry. He hates watching innocent and good people die or get hurt. It was Jongin's second time seeing him cry, the other one was more worse.

Kyungsoo started to cry harder but bitting his fist, causing it to bleed, he doesn't want people to hear his sobs. Jongin reached for his hand and intertwined with Kyungsoo's fingers. He gave his handkerchief and whispered, "I am somehow relieved that you're only crying because of only a fictional character, I don't want to see you cry and get hurt again." He gave him a small and Kyungsoo finally looked at him, "Jongin."

"Yes, Hyung?" He held his hand tighter and Kyungsoo finally stopped crying, "Thank you, Jongin. I'm sorry for acting stupid earlier. I knew you were feeling guilty already. I'm sorry, I love you." He whispered.

Jongin shook his head and mouthed, "You're not stupid. It was all my fault. I'm so sorry. I love you more, Hyung." He looked at his lips, he wanted to place his lips on Kyungsoo's but he wasn't ready. He knew that it's not right but he felt Kyungsoo's lips on his cheek. Jongin smiled and kissed Kyungsoo's hand. They both smiled and looked back to the screen.

The movie finally finished. It was already 12:49AM. He doesn't want to go back to his apartment so they decided to go a park near the mall. They walked outside the cinema not holding hands anymore but they sticked together, their hands touching. They went to the parking lot, Jongin opened the door for Kyungsoo and he sat inside. He smiled and went inside too, "Let's go?" He asked Kyungsoo and he nodded, "Aja!"

How come they are not a couple yet?

annyeong! it's short and crappy i know huhu but im having a writers block now but ill be fine hehe thank u! the next chapter will be longer. don't worry.

also, i dont know how to write rated spg stiff i only fluff stuff hehe

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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