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"Fuck that was incredible!" Joe laughed as they ran off the stage away from the ear piercing screams, the chanting of their almost incoherent names fading behind them.

Patrick giggled and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, breathing heavily as the exhaustion of the night finally started getting to him. 

"This has been the best show this tour, by far!" He agreed with Joe without hesitation, the rush and adrenaline this time is much stronger and powerful than previously. Every show before had always been just another fun experience, but with the lack of sleep, change, and honestly affection as well, it started feeling like a chore. Don't get him wrong, he survived off of the enjoyment of touring, but the last show always feels like a lucid dream. Realistic, fun, but also distant and sketchy.

"Let's go to the bar to celebrate," Andy suggested, "I could use a beer." 

Joe quickly agreed and stepped over closer to Andy, prepared to leave and just get fucking hammered. 

"You coming Patrick?" 

"Um, sure!" He smiled bigger than before, looking over at Pete, who only shook his head. He turned and started for the bus just as silently as he always was, making Patrick frown softly. He wanted to stop him, go to him and just ask him what's wrong, what's always been so wrong, but the nerves in his tummy made him shrug and turn to follow the other boys to the bar. 


"I can't believe they carded him!" Andy snorted drunkenly directly outside the bus, impossible not to be heard by Pete, who was laying in his bunk having troubles closing his eyes. 

"See now you can't get pissy when we say you look like a baby." 

"Oh hush Joe," Patrick giggled almost as loud as Andy, "It was only a precaution!" 

"They carded only you out of everyone there tonight."

"Did not," He crossed his arms. There's no way he was the only one, underaged kids are always hoping to score a drink here, especially on a Friday. 

"Did too." 

"Did not!" 

"Did too!" 


"Oh would you stop!" Andy laughed again and struggled to stay on his feet, "Maybe Patrick does have a baby face but I saw a girl get kicked out because she hadn't even hit puberty yet."

"Ha!" Patrick pointed a playfully accusing finger at Joe, which was pointing a few inches to his left because Patrick couldn't exactly choose which Joe to point at. "See I told you!" 

"Yeah yeah," Joe rolled his eyes softly, "Dude I could totally go for some waffles," His eyes lit up hungrily, and Andy's did the same thing. "Sign me the frick up," 

"What about you Pat?" 

"No thank you, I'm so tired and wasted I can smell colors." 

Pete isn't sure if he had ever heard Andy laugh so hard in his life, and it honestly made him smile. Just a little. 

"Alright man, we'll see you in a few hours." Joe waved as he and Andy departed, stumbling back and forth on the side walk on their way to Waffle House. 

Pete jumped when he unexpectedly heard the bus door slam open, Patrick's soft voice mumbling to itself on its way back to the bunks. There was a long silence before Pete's curtain ripped open, revealing a half-lidded eyed Patrick and Pete only covered by boxers. 

"Oh, hi Petey," he giggled, barely able to keep himself on his feet, "Wrong bunk." 

"Y-yeah," Pete laughed weakly and pulled the covers up further to hide himself, the exposure of his skin felt wrong in this moment. 

"Hm.." Patrick's eyes trailed a little across the sheet and he silently slid himself onto the bunk unbuttoning his shirt. 

"Patrick what are you doing?" Pete asked confused, his question being answered when Patrick slid one leg over Pete's and straddled him lazily. Patrick struggled to form his next choice of words past his numbed-by-vodka-and-other-strong-alcoholic-drinks tongue.

"Make love to me, Peter." 

Pete's eyes widened a little and his cheeks flushed, even more so when Patrick slid his shirt down his arms and went straight for Pete's waistband. Pete froze that instant and everything went in slow motion, no amount of arousal showed itself in his body. 

When you're drunk, you only do the actions that you want to do but wouldn't dare to follow through with sober. Such as cheating, or even fucking cliff diving, you wanted to do it beforehand and your subconscious was taken from you by the substance. Your wants are enhanced. You no longer have a filter and you just act.  

Patrick wanted to have sex with Pete. But no matter how much Pete wanted the same thing, he wanted Patrick to be sober and aware when they took action to their needs.

"Patrick, stop." He spoke softly and grabbed Patrick's hand oh-so gently, earning a confused look from the other man. "You're drunk, Pat. You can't say yes when you can't even stand on your own two feet. Yes, I share this same desire," he paused for a moment thinking of what to say so Patrick wouldn't feel hurt, "But we need to talk about it when you're sober." He rambled on about consent and lust, unsure if Patrick was even listening at this point. He abruptly stopped talking and released Patrick's hand, and it took quite the fight to get Patrick from his extremely horny state in his lap to out of Pete's bunk and into his own.

Patrick didn't seem to think twice before closing his eyes and snoring quietly almost instantaneously, the smell of whiskey and fruity mixed drinks ghosting his lips as he breathed.

Pete stood there for several moments, staring down at the smaller man who just tried to drunkenly get into his boxers. The man who has his own album in Pete's gallery filled with pictures of his beautiful smile, his squinted eyes, his cardigan hands. And he doesn't have a clue. The man who he wants to see squirming underneath him, so dazed and overwhelmed with Pete that his eyes have troubles staying open and roll back uncontrollably, his legs shaking all night even after Pete is finished totally wrecking him, markings up and down his body from Pete making it clear who he belongs to. The man who he wants to hear whispering his name over and over with every quickened breath he takes until he finally screams it out loud.

His heart pounded out of his chest with something he's never felt with any other woman or man before.



Sorry about the long wait, I'm gonna upload this story again in just a few hours to make up for it. Hopefully I don't fall asleep bc it's like 1 am and I'm an old lady when it comes to sleep ok


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