blissful silence

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"I-I.. um.." Patrick averted his eyes to the floor in stomach wrenching embarrassment. He honestly didn't even know what to say at this point, it's not like Andy and Joe are just suspicious, the last fifteen minutes plus the white ribbons still strewn across his chest are solid proof that something really is going on.

"Oh, fuck off." Pete replied in a monotone to Joe, it wasn't exactly hateful, but you could for sure hear the embarrassment in his voice just as much as you can see it on Patrick's face.

"C'mon, let's shower." He mumbled to the smaller boy, who he could tell was just moments from breaking down. He wasn't sure what bothered him so much about these two men knowing they're attracted to each other, they were very trusted friends of theirs.

Hell, Pete never said anything, but he has unmistakably seen Andy and Joe swapping saliva on the far side of the bus, where security wouldn't allow fans to go and apparently they didn't expect either of the other two members to go either.

He hadn't said a word to them, realizing they didn't notice him standing there, he promptly turned around and walked away. He pretended it never happened, because that wasn't his private information to expose.

"How about," Andy locked his phone and stuck it in his pocket, pushing himself up off of the run down loveseat that was bolted to the buses floor, "Joe and I go get some coffee or something. I'd prefer to not hear whatever you two plan to do in the shower."

Joe stood and joined him, still giggling to himself at the joke he made in his own world.

"We're just showering-"

"Yeah, yeah, and you were just napping a minute ago, huh?" He nudged Joe with his elbow, who laughed anyway despite probably not catching a word he said.

"Whatever." Pete grabbed Patrick's hand and dragged him to the bathroom, sliding the door closed with a quiet squeak.

"Do-do you think they'll tell anyone?"

"No. I trust that they will manage to stay quiet about it."

"But how do you know for sure?" He fidgeted with his fingers, anxious about the though of his career plummeting if his fans found out and didn't like the face he was attracted to men.

Then again, he didn't want asshole homophobes to be his fans, either.

Pete only shrugged in reply. He turned on the shower head, which made something close to a groaning noise before it sputtered the filtered water they had filled into the small heater from a hose, then finally evened into a constant flow.

He slipped his sticky boxers off his thighs, turning and kneeling down to do the same for Patrick.

The shorter boy blushed deeply at how caring Pete looked when he did so, like he knew it was what was most comfortable for him, though the fact he was only preparing him for a shower said otherwise. He wasn't sure which it could have been, so knowing him he decided on what made him feel the happiest.

He wanted Pete to care for him.

"Better?" The caramel skinned boy asked as he stood up again, discarding both pairs of underwear in the dirty clothes basket. He definitely felt bad for whoever was being paid to do their laundry during their shows.

"Yeah.. thank you." He smiled, running his hands through his hair and looking down at the floor nervously again. Just yesterday he was only dreaming of Pete actually talking to him, and today the man was stark nude, about to shower with him, saying kind words to him, and just had his hands down his boxers less than half an hour earlier.

"Of course." He mumbled, opening the curtain for Patrick to step in. Which he did, carefully, glad that no soap residue was left from the most recent shower taken in here to make the floor slippery. He moved under the water and turned around, closing his eyes as he leaned his light colored locks back into the warm stream.

He made a relaxed hum noise as the individual streams massaged his scalp, one by one, his chest rising and falling steadily as the desire for a nap grew.

That is, until he remembered who exactly was in this shower with him.

His eyes opened as he felt a gentle presence in front of him, wrapping his arms around the lowest part of Patrick's waist as he laid gentle kisses on his left shoulder. He closed them again, a small smile spreading across his cheeks.

Pete didn't seem to care about the small droplets that bounced off of the boys neck and dampened his face repeatedly. He just continued to draw his lips across his collarbones and the soft skin of his neck.

Every move he made caused a shutter up Patrick's spine. Goosebumps littered his back, his arms, his chest. His hands rested on both of Pete's strong biceps, his head rolled slightly to the side the further Pete's lips traced across his neck.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?"

"Well.. thank you.."

"Really. I mean it. You're honestly the most adorable thing I've ever laid my eyes on." He mumbled quietly against his skin, and Patrick was content with the fact no one would ever hear those words being spoken but him. There was no chance even Andy and Joe would have heard it over the sound of the water added to how quiet he spoke, if they were still here.

"I adore everything about you."

Patrick didn't even know what to say. But he knew he didn't have to say anything. Pete knew he appreciated what he was telling him, he heard him, he processed it, and he understands that is how he feels. There's no sense in filling a blissful silence with repetitive 'thank you's.

"Hogging up the water, are we?" He joked after a moment of nipping at the skin underneath Patrick's jaw, which the realization made him turn bright red.

"S-sorry I can move-"

"No, no, baby I was joking. Besides, you're warmer than the water."

He smiled, and the other male imitated his actions gleefully.

He remained stood directly against the soft form under the stream of water. Feeling it whisk away the sweat and filth from last night's performance and this mornings bliss, was definitely refreshing.

He finally pulled away and let his arms fall to his side when he felt the water losing it's heat, then he lifted the loofa and lavender body soap from their place.

He lathered them together and took Patrick's hand, beginning to draw the foamy loofa in gentle circling motions up his arm.

"Alright, kitten. Let's get cleaned up so we can have the rest of the day to relax."


A/n: there is no sense in apologizing for how late this is. Oops. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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