Chapter 7 - Sleepover Part 2

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Isbella POV

His lips on mine felt so wrong, it's hard to imagine I thought I liked him for so long.

I didn't have that feeling where tingles run up your spine and butterflies dance in your stomach.

I couldn't pay attention during the kiss. All I thought about was my OTP Rucas not existing anymore.

This thought made me pull away.

When I say this I mean it - I love Lucas like a brother. This is not that triangle crap. Because there is no triangle and never should've been.

I could tell Lucas regretted it, too. During the rest of the movie, his arm was around Riley's and his emerald green eyes did not sparkle like they usually do. They were dark, brooding, serious... So unlike him.

He feels horrible.

But at the same time he doesn't want Riley to ever know.

"Secrets always have a way of coming out," I had warned him.

He's convinced it will tear her apart.

I know it will.

But what will really break her heart is finding out hours, days, weeks, months later knowing that he hid it from her.


"Time to go to sleep," I say cheerfully, ushering the boys into their room and leading Maya, Smackle, and Riley into ours.

Hours Later

"Lucas! Zay! Farkle!" Riley, Maya, Smackle, and I shriek in unison.

They've been up all night doing who knows what. I am a very heavy sleeper, and so is Riles and Smackle.

But Maya isn't. And when Peaches doesn't get her sleep, she gets cranky.

Like cranky enough to go full-blown Maya in two minutes.

"It's one o'clock in the morning," Maya growls. Her blonde hair sticks up at every angle physically possible. Maya's eyes look ready to stop functioning any minute, but the murderous glint in her eyes is unmistakable.

Maya flings open the door to the guest bedroom forcefully, a loud BANG causing our sleepiness to vanish.

Maya doesn't look the least bit surprised at the earsplitting sound, though she has blinked the sleep from her eyes.

The door rattles as Maya steps in.

Lucas, Zay, and Farkle look up in fear at Maya Penelope Hart. Blue eyes flashing, fists shaking, she screams,"GO TO SLEEP YOU ASSHOLES OR I WILL SHOVE A PENCIL DOWN YOUR THROAT!!"

Lucas's emerald green eyes go wide. Zay starts,"Maya-"

She slowly brings her attention to her boyfriend. The vein bulging in her forehead is enough to cause Zay to recoil.

Maya glances around at the boys again before turning on her heel and storming out of the room.


Riley and I flinch and scurry after Maya. Smackle follows calmly like nothing happened.

Farkle truly is a genius.

The moment he heard Maya's voice, he disappeared beneath one of the guest beds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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