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"Luke! Get your sorry ass back down here right now!" Kyra Skywalker screamed as she attempted to save a stew that had been left alone for too long by her twin brother, who was supposed to be minding dinner whilst Aunt Beru went looking for their Uncle Owen.

"What?! What is it?" She heard him call, the tell-tale patter of footsteps descending the stone steps of the underground home they possessed.

"You left the damn nerf onions stewing too long! Now we have nothing to put it the stew tonight!" She scolded as Luke's blonde head popped into view.

The older of the two twins looked affronted. "You know I'm no good at cooking!" He tried to defend himself.

"This wasn't even cooking, goddammit Luke, it was just minding a few vegetables.." She sighed, picking up the hot pan cautiously and tipping its over-boiled contents into a large pot.

"Sorry..I was kind of distracted.." He sighed, scratching the back of his neck, standing awkwardly near the kitchen entrance.

"If it's about that Pilot Academy thing, you gotta stop! You'll go when your allowed to go!" Kyra scolded, despite being the youngest of the two siblings.

"It's not just any 'Pilot Academy Thing', Kyra! This is my future career! This is what I need! All my other friends have long gone, there's nobody here for me anymore!" He said, following his sister as she threw the nerf-onions out the back.

"And what about me, huh?" She asked, turning round to face her brother. "Do you think I'm just gonna have to stay here on dusty Tatooine for the rest of my sorry life, boiling stew and making sure no careless idiots over-do the damn onions!" She said, exasperated, pushing past a stuttering Luke.

The boy followed his sister out the kitchen and up the stone steps into the main dug-area of the home.

"That's not my problem if you don't want to pilot! I don't know what you want to do with your life, but it's got nothing to do with the fact that I can't go to this thing!" He protested.

"Oh, shut it! All this over some stupid nerf-onion stew!" She sighed, stomping away and to the top of the home where a distant rumbling could be heard.

Luke quickly followed, scrambling in his pocket for the credits his uncle had given him earlier.
They were both met at the top by a tired looking Owen.

"Why were you two arguing again?" He asked, sighing. Kyra shot Luke a glare.

"He wasn't watching the onions and now they're over-boiled. We have nothing for the stew tonight.." She explained, while the young boy looked sheepish under his harsh Uncle's glare.

"Luke..c'mon. Just one thing we asked you to do.." Owen said, looking at the boy, who's messy blonde hair feel in front of his eyes, shielding them from view.

"Sorry.." Luke mumbled.
"You sure will be.." Kyra said under bated breath.

"Guys, that's enough. Come on, the Jawa's are here now, and we need some good droids. Please tell me you've still got the credits I gave you this morning..?" Owen said to Luke, who nodded in response, pulling them out his pocket.

The three marched to where a huge metal tank had stopped, and a few tiny hooded creatures were squeaking in a different language, unloading a plethora of droids for the family to inspect.

Kyra sauntered over the where two R2 units stood, side by side. A taller red one, and a squat blue one that kept lighting up and bleeping.

'Must be faulty..' She thought, patting the red droid on the head and beckoning it to follow her.

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