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"Hop in, we can give you a ride from here.." Luke said to old Ben Kenobi as they loaded themselves back into the T-16 flyers. Kyra looked at her brother sceptically. She knew he wanted to go with the Jedi trainer, but admired him for realising the importance of him staying on Tatooine; it was probably best for everyone like that. New was dangerous.

"Are you sure you don't want-" Ben held out their fathers lightsaber to the boy, but he shook his head. "No, thank you Ben, but it's not my place. I couldn't.."

The older man nodded his head. "Very well. I did try.."

"Come on, we'll take you to Ankared.." Kyra said, starting up the engine as they followed each other just west of the small dwelling outside the space port.


"Hey, Luke, pull over a second.." Kyra spoke to her brother through the communication wires in the skyhopper. She dramatically slowed the machine down and squinted against the glare of the sun. Something had definitely happened here.

"Woah, some fire.." Her brother exclaimed, as he turned the engine off and climbed out of the flyer, shielding his eyes, before Kenobi joined them as the trio stood, open-mouthed at the sight before them.

Metal parts were scattered everywhere, with fires spread across the span of dunes, and Jawas shuffled around, grunting and collecting whatever they could from the ground, while others lay dead on the floor, hoods still up and furry limbs sprawled every which way.

"Hey, isn't this the group that sold us the two droids..?" Kyra asked as she inspected the ruined tank-like vehicle in the background, still smoking and making a ominous creaking sound.

"Oh, like yesterday? Yeah, I think so. Ben, d'you know anything that could have caused someth-" Her twin never got the chance to finish as they watched the cloaked man wander slowly over to a collecting pile of ash and dust, acknowledging an injured Jawa who sloped past miserably.

The old man grasped the blackened sand between his fingertips and let it slip through slowly, staring into the far distance as he did. This antics are what kept him known as the 'weird old man from the cantina'.

"Ben.." Kyra whispered cautiously, edging closer.

"The Empire.."

"The Empire? Here? Are you sure?" Luke asked the doubt in his voice clear as day.

"I know an Empire attack when I see one. The Stormtroopers have been. Quick, both of you, you must go back to the farm and check on your Aunt and Uncle, make sure they're alright. I'll be waiting here when you return.." He said, staring at them both seriously.

"Ben, I really don't th-"

"Go!" The old man's orders were so desperate, the siblings ran to their flyers and took of, speeding in the direction of their home.

'Godammit I hope this is important..' Kyra thought as she accelerated full speed in front of her brother...

"W-what happened..?" Kyra whispered, horrified as they stepped out of their flyers to be greeted by the smell of smoke and their previous home almost unrecognisable, flames protruding from almost every angle.

"The Empire, Ben was right.." Luke said solemnly, walking over to his sister.

"But, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.." She replied, fighting back tears.

"Maybe they escaped, and they're looking for us.." he said hopefully, wrapping an arm round her shoulder protectively.

"I'm not sure they did.." She choked, pointing downwards. Luke's eyes followed the direction she was pointing in and there, where the entrance should have been, were two skeletons piled on top of each other. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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