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Kyra woke early to the sound of metal clanging overhead. Bleary-eyed, she rose out of bed and grabbed the nearest thing that could tie her hair up into a messy ponytail.

Sighing, she mounted the sandstone steps to be greeted by the orange glow of sunrise, strong rays causing her to squint bright blue eyes towards the source of the sound. Luke seemed to be fully dressed and awake, clearing various metal parts out of the way of the small hut that was placed to the left of the small pit. Trust her own room to be above the T-16 base.

"Luke!" Kyra called, but he seemed to pay no attention. Instead, he was rummaging around, clanging spare pipes and rusty barrels. "Luke!"

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I'm afraid you might have to go a bit closer, Master Luke can't even hear me when I'm stood right next to him.." A decidedly cleaner C3PO observed, as Kyra gasped with fright at the droid behind her.

Glaring into his glowing eyes, she stormed towards her brother, muttering "I think he was just ignoring you, Goldenrod.."

"Hey!" She shouted, as Luke turned, one eyebrow raised. The noise stopped.


She scoffed. "'What'?! How about 'why are you making all this noise at this time in a morning?'!"

"Uh, R2-D2?" He registered the look on her face change. "Yeah, that little droid that went missing last night, supposedly gone to look for his master 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'? The woman in the white robes on the hologram with the message? That's why I'm making so much noise.." Luke replied, before clearing the last of the rubbish in the way.

"Hey, well at least try and be a little quieter, will you?! You'll wake Uncle Owen and he'll be furious you've already lost his droid..!" Kyra hissed as she followed her twin into the dingy base. She watched him expectantly as he pulled off a heavy grey sheet two reveal two T-16 skyhoppers. It was the closest thing they had to independence and actually getting round dusty Tatooine.

"Come on, get in. We've gotta get R2 before Owen wakes up.." Luke said as he jumped into one of the flyers.

"Fine.." Kyra grunted as she climbed in the second one. "But Threepio is riding with you.." She gestured to the tall droid over by the base entrance. Luke rolled his eyes but agreed.

"Hey Threepio!" The droid turned. "Hop in the back, you're riding with me.."

"Why certainly, Master Luke.." Kyra heard Luke sigh as the golden robot made his way to her brothers T-16, while she started up the rusty engine and the thing whooshed to life. Making their way out of their home, they hovered just away from the farm.

"Where do we head first then? He could be anywhere" Kyra asked as Luke checked the signal.

"Well, it's picking up nothing round here, so I say we head West, towards the sun, see what we can find.." Kyra nodded, before turning round and accelerating West, Luke in close tail...


A good few hours after they'd left their aunt and uncle's farm, Luke slowed his T-16 down to a halt, Kyra following suit.

"What's up?!" She shouted to her brother, who pointed at the small black device whirring away in his hand.

"I got something! He's close by!" Luke said as he started up the engine. Come on, and keep your eyes peeled!" Kyra nodded and followed, as they resumed a steady pace. After following the edge of a sharp cliff face, they heard the first cry from Threepio since their journey had begun.

"He's there! Look down there! Oh, Master Luke, Miss Kyra, its R2!"

Kyra squinted down the cliff face into the valley below, and, sure enough, there was R2-D2, still trundling along the uneven pathways. "Oh, Jesus. Finally.." She muttered, guiding the skyhopper down the mountainside and level with the small droid. Stopping the engine, Luke jumped out first.

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