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This chapter is going to be special cause it is going to be Lisa's and Sean's POV so enjoy!!

Lisa's POV
when they told me they were dating each other, i was on the edge of loosing my mind and fall on the cold floor.

I couldn't believe it. This was not good! At all

I love my sons more than anything but the choice they made was not a good one

They left two days ago cause it was too awkward and Sean is pissed off. He doesn't even talk about them

If we didn't talk, (Sean and I) i think he would have separate them apart...

I understand that it wasn't a good thing but i love them and I don't wanna hurt them

They don't deserve that and Cameron either. This is why i let that pass like nothing but it was difficult to do

I enter in the living room and saw Sean laying on the couch staring at the celling

"Is everything okay Sean?" I ask worried

He look at me "i really don't love the idea that they are in a relationship. It make me feel guilty and I don't know why"

"It's because you didn't stop them. We didn't stop them" i said sitting on the edge of the couch and putting my hand on his shoulder

"Maybe... But still, we have to stop this" he added

"How?" I ask

"One of them stay to L.A. and the other one come here"

"That's cruel Sean! We can't just separate them like this! We need to talk to them before" i added madly

He look down and i take his hand "we can't just do this. It would really be mean" i said


Sean's POV
My idea was maybe mean but we really need to stop this

I tell them that it was okay but I wasn't thinking it at all

And i could tell that they were lying to me when i ask 'do you guys do some dirty stuff'. They're my sons, i know them very well

Just the fact that my two son do some dirty stuff between the two of them is enough to give me uncomfortable shiver to my entire body

I shake my head and walk to the kitchen to take a beer. I really need to relax and don't think about that disgusting thing that my sons do together

"What do you wanna eat tonight honey" my lovely wife ask


"Yeah that would be good" she said with a smile

I look around the room and saw a picture of Ethan, Grayson and Cameron together and it made me think another time about them...

I need to call them

I take my phone and sit at the kitchen table where I composed the number and press the 'call button

"Hello?" Ethan ask

"Hey Ethan..." I said

"Oh hey dad" he added

"We need to talk about you and your brother. You need to break up with him or you'll come here and never come back to L.A. "

"I'm not sure of that. Bye" he ended the call and i was surprised and a bit mad at the same time

"Fuck!" I almost screamed

"Sean! Don't talk like that! He's really mad at you and to be honest with you, i am too" lisa said


"I said that we needed to talk and you agreed with me! And now you do like you want without talking to me first!" She almost screamed

"I don't accept the fact the my sons are dating okay?! Don't you understand that little bitch?!?!" I screamed and realize what i just said so I put my hand on my mouth

She was speechless but find the word tight after "what did you just say?!" She begin

"Forget it! I love my son more then anything and i would let this happen even if its not correct and if you don't agree with me and you call me a bitch then get out of my fucking house!!" She screamed back

It was my turn to be speechless

"Come back when you'll accept the fact that your two son are dating!" She screamed again while opening the front door

I look down and walk out of the house before she close it

Lisa's POV
I run to my room like a little girl and cry my life

I'll talk to them and they'll understand...

I heard the door open and i listen closely

It was Sean's footsteps. I then heard some key chain and i think he was taking some money

I let him take some other thing and heard the door close and then nothing. No sounds.

He was gone

I decide to text Grayson and Ethan to let them know about their father and I

Me: hey honey... Me and your father took a break cause he wanted to separate you from your brother and we disagreed so... I'm sorry

I waited for like five minutes and he respond

Gray💜: oh no! We're sorry! It's our fault!

Me: it's okay honey. I just wanted to tell you... And if your dad come by your house, let me know please

Gray💜: promise! Love you

Me: love you

Well that was a special chapter! Hope you still like it!

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