First Day Back At High School...Sky High That Is

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Chapter 1: First Day Back At High School...Sky High That Is

I was up and ready as I heard my two best-friends running up the stairs. "Look I'm up you two so don't yell at me to get up!" I said opening the door before they could. I saw myself starring at an angry Ashley and a surprised Amy. The best and only twins I ever known.

"Dang it Mary! You know I hate it when you do that!" Ashley yelled in frustration.

"It's not my fault that I'm a mind reader and It's NOT MARY!! You know I hate being called that!" I shot back.

"Sorry I forgot....Is my apology accepted Star?" she asked looking down.

"Of course it is." I said hugging her.

Now before I keep going I guess I should tell you about myself. My name is Mary Starlight but as you just found out I hate being called by my first name. I am 17 and a Senior at Sky-High School. It's a school for super heros...or villains. Anyway I go there because like I said, I am a mind reader. I get my power from my dad and live with both parents.

Now Sky-High is well up in the sky. My freshman year I rode the bus there....sounds unrealistic I know but trust me it's true. Anyway now I get there by Ashley and Amy Fredrickson. They both can fly sence they are twins. So when it's time for school they come over then each one grabs and arm and carry me to Sky-High. They got the power from their mom.

Back to this morning.

"Will you two come on before we are late to school." Amy nagged.

"Jealous Amy?" I asked laughing.

"No I'm not...Mary!" she said smirking.

"Amy she goes by Star!...Her hero name. Nobody is allowed to call her Mary!" Ashely yelled at her sister as we headed back down the stairs.

"Yeah except Lash!" Amy said giggiling.

"Amy Shut-Up! You know I don't want to hear his name!" I snapped as we got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry Star. I just get so annoyed by the whole name thing that I forget you two broke up a few months ago." Amy said getting a drink from my fridge and putting it in her bag.

"Yeah how are you doin? I mean about that? I know it was a few months ago but you loved him with all your heart." Ashley chimmed in.

"I still do." I thought to myself. "I'm fine. Now can we go before we are late?" I said heading to the back door and grabbing my small bookbag. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Love Ya!" I yelled before closing the door behind us and locking it. I fought back tears as I thought about Lash. I really did miss him even if was being a jerk.

"Ready?" Amy asked stepping to my right side.

"Yep. Let's go." I replied. Then she took that arm, and Ashley did same thing to the other arm. Soon we were in the air on way Sky-High!

We finally made it to the school. We stopped near some buses to fix our hair and make-up, then we started heading towards the stairs and front entrance. "Maybe we wont run into Lash?" Amy said hopefully. Hopefully she didn't jinx us...or at least me.

This Love Is A Stretch! (Sky High Lash FanFic Love)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora