The Truth Comes Out...A Little.

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Chapter 13: The Truth Comes Out...A Little

"Because I have too!" Lash answered sounding a little angry.

"THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH LASH!" I said, no longer holding back my anger.

"Mary please don't yell." He said looking down and releasing my hand.

"Then tell me the whole truth!" I yelled again.

"In due time. I promise." He said reaching for my hand again.

"No Lash!" I said moving out of his reach.


"Tell me now or I'm leaving and never talking to you again!" I said starting to walk past him.

"Ok Fine I'll tell you just please don't leave!" He said grabbing my arm.

"Ok...Tell me." I said stopping and turning to face him.

"I'm doing all of this to protect you from Gwen." Lash said still holding my arm.

"I can protect myself against that spoiled priss."

"Not this time...not with her big plan!" He said stepping closer, moving his hands to my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"She has a big plan and she promised that I will be safe if I help her, also I told her that I would only help her if she promised to keep you safe...she said that if I wanted to keep you safe I would have to do it myself, and still help her. That's why I've been such a jerk in school. I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry that I can't tell you more than that." He said staring at me and I could tell he was telling the truth.

"Why didn't you tell me this before? I don't care what her plan is I just care about why you hid this from me?" I asked him feeling tears start to form.

"Because she threatened to hurt you if I told you anything about this."

"Lash...I...I'm so sorry for being upset with you." I said no longer holding back my tears.

"No you had a right to be. I hid stuff from you and hurt you emotionally. I'm so sorry. I just hope that you can forgive me." He said looking down.

I put a hand on his cheek and he looked up at me with tears starting to form in his eyes as tears fell down mine. I've never seen him like this and this showed me and reminded me that he is not a big bad tough guy all the time. We stared at each other and I placed my other hand on his other cheek and wiped his tears away.

"I already have. I forgive you and I still love." I said trying not to choke up on my tears as I spoke. He wiped my tears away.

"Thank you Mary. I Love You Too!" Then we kissed, a kiss with more passion and love than any other kiss that we have had before.

We stayed like that for what felt like ages and I would've been happy with that, but he broke the kiss and placed his forehead against mine keeping his hands on the sides of my face.

"Promise to trust me on all of this." Lash whispered.

"I promise. I trust you with all my heart." I whispered back.

"Thank you." He said leaning in again, but before our lips met my phone went off.

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