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We would like to inform you of you acceptance into

Hetalia High!

The school for grades 6-12th. A uni-country school. The staff and students attending from all over the world.

The principle is our great founder Mathias Køhler! The other countries more or less involved in helping the students learning.

Every one in the school is very different but our goal is connect every one as a family.


"No no no!" Roux shouted as she stared at the screen. "I NEVER SAID YOU COULD DIE! How come all the characters have to die, stupid writers." She muttered the last part under her breath.

Shouting and tv screens was something Roux did regularly, she was an avid anime and manga fan with some exceptions of regular books thrown into the mix. She also had a tendency to get a bit overexcited and to yell at whatever it was she was watching/reading as if the character could hear her and take her comment to consideration.

She leaned her head back and sighed oh well, that character was destined to die anyways.

"Hey," Her sister walked in interrupting her of her thoughts. "Mom and Dad say they have some 'big big new to tell you.'"

"Ok, I'll go see what they want," she replied walking out if the room wondering what could be so important that her sister had to come interrupt the characters tragic death. 'What could it be... What if it's something bad?'

Her head was filled with thoughts of what could have happened, it wasn't until she saw her parents excited faces that it had to be something good. "Mom, Dad you guys needed something?" She asked while twirling her purple hair around her fingers, a nervous habit she had developed over the years.

"Ok,well you know that school you applied to, Hetalia High? Well they sent a letter today and we want you to be the one to open it." Her mom them handed her the letter.

She took the letter in her hands and tried not to rip the envelope too terribly in the process of getting it open. Once she got it she skimmed the opening paragraph of the letter. While skimming her eyes were instantly drawn to the, "We'd like to inform you of your acceptance." She had been accepted to Hetalia high.

She took a moment to let the information sink in then turned to her parents with an excited grin, "I got in, I got in!" She spoke while jumping up and down in excitement.

"That's great," this time it was her dad who spoke. "This is such a wonderful experience, you're going to have an amazing time. We're so proud of you."

She smiled and went to hug her dad, "Well I better go get packing." She then ran up to her room shouting "I got in! I got in! All the way up.

Not having any idea what to pack she threw some random clothes into a suitcase along with some of her favorite shirts.

Standing in front of her mirror she wondered what the other people would think of her. She wasn't exactly someone who blended in, especially with her purple hair and bright green eyes. 'Oh well who cares what people might think' she thought to herself. She hoped she'd be able to find some friends. 'This is going to be amazing' she thought to herself while zipping her suitcase shut.


So that was my part a little short, but hopefully it was okay. I tried my best. Thanks for reading ^_^ - MJ

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