Almost There

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Phineas' P.O.V.

Phineas First Dream...

"Uh, Major Monogram?" Isabella asks Major Monogram.

"Uh, yes?" Major Monogram asks Isabella.

"So none of us will remember any of today?" Isabella asks.

"That's right," Major Monogram says.

"Good," Isabella says.

Isabella grabbed my shoulders and took me in for a kiss. I was surprised but I loved every second of it. 

"Isabella!" I say in surprise. 

The feelings of her being just my best friend started to change a little bit. 

"Hit it Carl!" Isabella says to the intern.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I say  as Carl hit the button.

Phineas' Second Dream:

"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today! We're gonna finally recreate the Trojan War! I'll be Paris, because my name starts with a P," I say. 

Isabella wrapped her arm around mine. I looked at her questionably. She smiled as if she was happy putting her arm around mine. 

"And I'll be Helen because..."

Isabella quickly moved her arm. She had an awkward look on her face. I was still looking at her questionably.

"Uh, my name starts with ...I, which is right after H," Isabella says as she  chuckles nervously.

Phineas' Third Dream...

I was standing in my backyard observing the observatory. Isabella walks over to me.

"Hey, Phineas, whatcha' doin'?" Isabella asks.

"Ferb and I are building a giant observatory to watch Kermillian's Comet tonight," I say.

"Ooh, that sounds like fun," Isabella says. 

"We're gonna put on a laser light show and, as a grand finale, we're gonna laser our faces into the comet. That way, when it comes back in seventy-three and a half years, we can all show our grandchildren. Oh, yeah, my parents are cooking steaks for everyone," I say.

"You had me at our grandchildren," Isabella says.

I just look at her. I feel happy that she said that. I'm not exactly sure why.

"What?!" I ask her.

"Steaks! You- you had me at steaks," Isabella says.

Phineas' Fourth Dream:

Isabella and I were standing in my  backyard. We were alone. I was just standing there not saying anything. 

"Phineas are you okay?" Isabella asks me. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, why do you ask?" I ask.

"Well, your standing here like a statue and not saying anything," Isabella says to me.

"Yeah, well-I-I uh-I have something I have to tell you," I say to her.

"What is it?" Isabella asks me.

"Well, I wanted to tell you that- I like you," I say to Isabella.

"Wha- you do?" Isabella asks me.

Isabella smiled with a hint of a blush across her cheeks. I stood there and smiled as she blushed. I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't know what to say. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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