Ch. 2

429 13 14

Author's P.O.V

It was another day Juvia and Lucy look at the list Mrs. Mavis gave them. Lucy's list says, Don't let him run around the school, be his tutor, don't let him get into fights, and take care of him. While Juvia's list says, Don't let Gray wonder around the school, don't let him disrespect teachers, don't let him get into fights, make sure his grades are acceptable, take care of him, and make sure he goes to school.

"H-h-heh?! Why is my list b-big?" Juvia's face goes red. As they arrived school all they saw is Natsu.

"I-I-I'll be back!" Juvia said running away. She was heading to the Devil's home.

"Where is his house, where, oh where?" Juvia talk to herself. When she arrived there she almost rang the bell. "Hey, what are you doing at my house?" He said annoyed.

"S-s-s-sorry! Pl-please f-forgive me, b-b-but Mrs. Mavis gave me a list and one of them says to make sure you get to school." Juvia said with a red face.

"Heh? I don't need someone to walk with me, but you seem weird and strange." He told her.

"S-sorry!" Juvia bows down.

"Yep, you are weird." Gray looked away and they walked to school together.

"Look! She's touching our Devil-sama!" The girls pointed at Juvia.

"Shut up! You fan girls are hella annoying!" Gray scolded.

"But she's stealing you away from us!" One of them said.

"I-I-I-I'm s-s-sorry!" Juvia bows down with a huge blush one her face.

"You guys are such a bully!" Natsu came up.

"Noooo, natsu-sama~ please don't get the wrong idea." They said.

The bell rang and they headed to class. "It seems that Natsu isn't acting up, huh?" The teacher asked.

"Yup! I guess...." Lucy smiled.

"Lookie here, never ever even talk about my buddy here, you got it?!" Gray slammed his hand on the teacher's desk.

"And you stayed the same." The teacher sighed.

"You're the damn reason why I hate school." Gray picked the teacher up by his shirt collar.

"G-g-g-g-Gr-g-Gray!! St-stop!!" Juvia yell bowing down.

Gray looked at her and click his tongue. "You're lucky that this innocent one was on your side." Gray let go of him.

"H-h-hold up, I'm neither of anyone's side, I just don't want you to get in-trouble." She said.

"I'm always in-trouble, you don't need to protect me." Gray said walking to his seat and Juvia bowed in front of the teacher. "S-s-sorry Sensei."

At lunch time Gray stole Lunch from a group of innocent people then Juvia caught him. "G-g-gray! Give it back."

"You don't tell me what to do." He said.

"G-Gi-Give it back to them! N-n-now! I'll give you my lunch if you'd want." Juvia smiles and a slight blush took over his face.

"F-fine...." Gray gave it back to them.

"G-g-good job!" Juvia patted his head and he had a straight face.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"S-s-sorry!" Juvia bows and gave him her lunch and Juvia & Gray headed to the roof.

"Mmhmm~! It's great!" Gray said smiling.

"Yup!" Juvia said smiling back and he hugged her from behind.

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