Are you truly sorry?

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Sorry is a word.

It has sounds and syllables.

It carries meaning,

although, sometimes it doesn't.

Is your sorry empty, full, half-empty, half-full?

Do you put the weight of truth behind it to lift it up?

When you make the sounds are you just making the sounds?

Are you simply enunciating the consonants to make them resonate

with the hard "E" at the end?

Is your sorry just a word?

Or is it a feeling?

A feeling that tears you up inside so that you must utter this word

to allow your hurt and pain to escape?

Your mouth, the portal by which the truth slides free,

by which you unburden:

is this aperture the escape route of your anguish?

Or are you just creating noise?

If you are sorry, REALLY, Really, really sorry,

show me that you can put together more than five letters.

I want to feel your word and the honesty built around it.

Show me that you embody each of these letters

with all of the cells of your being.

Sorry is just a word,

but when and if you choose to use it, make certain it is so much more.

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