He Tells a joke(

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"...Hey (Y/N)" Hoodie asked you


"Why did the mushroom go to the club?"


"Because he-he's a fun-gi!" He exclaimed. You face palmed as he laughed.

Ticci Toby:

"Hey...HEY (Y/N)!!!!" He shouted


"..,What did the hat say to the other hat?"

"Oh no... not again-"

"No no, trust me, its funny..."

"**sigh** what?"

"It said 'you stay here, ill go on ahead!" he said. He slapped his knee, laughed, and fell over. You exited the room while laughing at how corny the joke was.


"(Y-Y/N)?" he asked


"What did the tire say to the car when the car got insulted?"



You left the room as he laughed

Tails Doll:

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