Chapter 14

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Tori’s P.O.V

‘Hi Simon.’ I greeted my manager as his face popped up on the computer screen. ‘Hello darling. How is you break  going?’ he smiled. ‘It’s amazing. Australia is definitely my favorite holiday place.’ I cheered. ‘That’s great. Now what was this really important thing that you needed to talk about?’ He asked. ‘Oh yes. I wanted to start an anti-bullying campaign, where we raise money to help prevent bullying.’ I smiled proudly of my idea. ‘That sounds like a great idea. But how are you going to raise the money?’ He asked. ‘I was thinking that we get a few artists and put together an album that can be sold and the money comes from there.’ I said. ‘I have to say that sounds amazing! I can try and organize the recording stuff this week and some announcements for the media while you call up some people. I can get someone to come down to shoot some ads for the campaign if you would like?’ He questioned, pulling out his iPhone.

‘Wait so Simon agreed to this?’ Luke asked as we snuggled together on the couch. ‘I know I wasn’t expecting this to happen but yeah.’ I smiled. This was by far the best thing that I have accomplished. I knew what it was like to get bullied because of Tyler and Britney and I have seen firsthand the negativity that people can give you on social media. I don’t want young people to go through this and think they can’t tell anyone.

‘So will you guys do it?’ I asked, hopefully as I saw the seven faces fill up my computer screen. ‘Of course we will.’ Liam smiled, over the top of Harry’s curls. ‘I already called the Jesy, Jade and Leigh-Anne and they are more than happy about doing it.’ Perrie smiled. ‘Tori have you seen any koalas down there?’ Louis asked making his face fill up the whole screen. ‘No Luke promised he would take me to the zoo but he hasn’t yet.’ I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest and playfully glaring at Luke. ‘we’ll go tomorrow alright?’ He smiled pressing a kiss to my cheek. ‘So have you thought about who else would be on the album?’ Niall asked. ‘Well so far I have you guys, the rest of Little Mix, 5 Seconds of Summer, Selena and I have one more person to ask.’

‘Tori. Um Jess is coming over soon.’ Ashton said from the doorway. I looked up at him and saw that he was looking really nervous. ‘Why are you so nervous Ash?’ I smiled patting the bed next to me. ‘Its just you guys had a big fight and I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see her again.’ He weakly said. ‘Jess and I fight quite a bit actually. It was only so bad this time because we hadn’t seen each other in a year. We have never been a day without seeing each other so it put a strain on our friendship. We will be fine.’ I smiled, giving him a hug. I heard a knock on the door and Ashton bolted out of the room yelling ‘TTHAT’S HER. I’M NOT EVEN READY YET.’ I chuckled to myself as I pulled myself off the bed and trudged through the house. I slowly pulled the door open to find Jess standing there with a pram in front of her.

‘tori.’ She whispered, tears filling up her eyes. ‘Hi.’ I weakly smiled, helping her pull the pram inside. ‘I missed you. I’m so sorry about everything.’ She whispered, the tears now falling down her face. ‘I missed you too.’ I said my voice cracking. I pulled her into a huge hug, as I felt her tears dampen my shirt. ‘So do I get to meet my nephew.’ I smiled, walking over to the small baby. He really did look like Ashton. ‘May I?’ I asked her, motioning towards him. She nodded while smiling as I picked him up. I could hear him giggling a little, as I rocked him on my shoulder. ‘Aw he loves you.’ Jess smiled, rubbing my back. ‘Hey don’t hog our nephew.’ I heard a few voices yell from up the stairs. I looked up to see Luke, Calum and Michael running towards me. I stepped back slowly and told them to be quiet as I heard him slowly fall asleep. Wow this has to have been the first person to ever be able to fall asleep around these lot. ‘Hey don’t hog my son.’ Ashton smirked walking into the room. He walked over to Jess and wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on the top of her head. I could see her cheeks flush a little and that’s when I realised. She still loves him.

Jess’ P.O.V

I still love him. And it’s killing me inside. I know that I shouldn’t. That he has a million other girls wanting to be with him. I shouldn’t be holding him back. He should be doing what other 20 year olds do. Going out and partying. But I still do love him.

‘Ok please be careful. I don’t want to have to worry that you will leave him there alright?’ I stressed as I placed Fletcher back down in his stroller. ‘We will be fine Jess. The park is just down the road. Everything will be ok.’ Ashton smiled, kissing my forehead and taking the stroller from her. I felt my cheeks flush as I watched them walk out the door. I turned around to find Tori smirking at me. ‘Girl you are so in love with him still.’ She smirked at I sat down next to him. ‘I know. It’s just what am I going to do about Matt.’ I groaned rubbing my temples. ‘well it’s not like he is Fletcher’s father or anything, why can’t you just leave.’ She shrugged, as she turned on the TV. That actually is a really good idea. ‘Tori will you guys be able to watch Fletcher tonight. I need to pack.’ I smiled at her.

Looks like I’m moving back to England.

Yay Jess is coming back to England. She’s still in love with Ash.

It’s all Matt’s fault though.

Maybe everything will hopefully turn out alright J

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Lots of Love Ashleigh xx

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