Chapter 23

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‘Tori will you hurry the hell up.’ Luke yelled into the bathroom. Everyone had been pretty upset when we found out that Simon had booked a flight at 6.30 the next morning. Mainly because they decided that it would be fun to celebrate the trial win.

So nearly everyone had a huge hangover.

‘Are you guys going to record in America?’ I asked as I fixed up my make-up. Simon was flying us all over to America so we could record the campaign album and I had an interview with Ellen.

‘The only recording we are doing is for the campaign.’ He smiled as he leaned on the door. I smiled walking over to him wrapping him in a hug. I couldn’t help but inhale his scent when I did this. I do this every time.

‘I’m so proud of you.’ He told me as he pressed a kiss to my head. I smiled pulling him as close to me as I could.

‘I love you so much.’ I whispered into his chest.

‘I love you too.’ He whispered, back to me.

‘YOU LOOK SO PERFECT STANDING THERE IN MY AMERICAN APPAREL UNDERWEAR AND I KNOW NOW THAT I’M SO DOWN.’ Ashton, Michael and Calum screamed out the lyrics to She Looks SO Perfect in my ears.

‘Will you shut the hell up! Luke and the others are sleeping.’ I hissed throwing my jumper at the boys.

‘Tori we’re bored and everyone is sleeping.’ Ash groaned.

‘Go play with Fletcher.’ I mumbled trying to go to sleep. I heard all the boys groan and walk over to the other side of the plane. When I looked over I found Calum and Michael drawing on Harry’s face while Ashton was smiling down at the little boy in his arms. He was infatuated.

I couldn’t believe how much has changed in the past two years of my life. Getting signed to Syco. Jess and Ashton engaged and have a child. Winning awards at the Teen Choice awards. Meeting the person that I loved more than anything.

It was still surreal. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

‘Tori. Tori. Babe wake up. We’re here.’ Luke whispered in my ear trying to shake me awake. I groaned a little, lifting my head off his shoulder.

‘Egh I have an interview now don’t I.’ I groaned again.

‘Yes you do hon. I’m pretty sure it’s in two hours.’ He smiled checking the time on his phone.

‘Simon will be practically throwing me in the car.’ I chuckled, stretching my arms out. The plane had already landed and somehow I had managed to sleep the entire time.

‘Will you come with me?’ I asked Luke as he interlocked our fingers.

‘Of course I will darling.’ He said, lightly kissing my forehead. We climbed out of the plane to be met by the flashing lights of photographers and the screams of fans. I smiled and waved to them all trying to sign a few autographs before Simon hauled us inside.

‘Tori we have to get to Ellen now. Everyone has already left for the hotel while you two were taking forever.’ Simon sighed putting on his sunglasses.

We rushed into the studios greeted by the workers who ushered us into my dressing room.

‘Ok so your outfits here, Amanda will be here soon to do your make-up, so get your butt in the shower now.’ Simon ordered in his british accent.

‘Alright alright. Don’t get your panties in a twist.’ I said before walking into the shower. I could hear Luke chuckle as Simon walked out, hitting him on the back of the head in the process.

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