The bus ride

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It was just a normal bus ride, she says.

Its a long bus ride but it is normal.

She said this in her mind hoping.

Hoping that it would just be a normal bus ride.

Hoping everything would be fine.

Just hoping.

But half way through that bus drive back to the place she called home.

She decided to lay down and sleep.

So she put her blanket over her saying everything would be fine as long as she had hope.

But after a bit, The hope left.

It disappeared because then again the worst thing she would never happen in her life happened.


Her whole life froze.

She thought it wouldn't happen.

This was "Just a normal bus ride"

Was he seriously touching her.

He thought she was asleep.

Out cold.

But instead she was wide awake.

Frozen to the floor of that bus.

Unable to move.

And at first she thought maybe it was an accident.

Because at first he started to touch her butt.

But after a few times of doing that he covered her with his blanket.

He touched her vagina.

She wanted to REACH OUT.

She wanted to SCREAM.

She wanted to CRY.

He went back and fourth uncovering his blanket over hers.

Finally after he touched her for the fifth time.

He stopped.

He stopped...

But she was crying.

No one saw.

No one knew she was awake.

And at the back of that bus she laid.

Broken and dying.

Saying to herself.

"Its just a normal bus ride."

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