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"Hello Seung Gil!" A familiar voice echoed in an almost empty airport late at night. Seung Gil looked up from his phone for the first time in an hour and looked to the direction of the voice.

There he saw Phichit running towards him with a heavy looking suitcase . He pulled down his mask which was covering his mouth and flashed a bright smile to the Korean man. Seung Gil couldn't help but to smile a bit. Phichit's positive energy was so contagious.

"I missed you" Phichit said out of breath when he reached Seung gil.
"I missed you too" Seung Gil muttered under his breath. He still enjoyed not talking to people and Phichit seemed to be the only one to get it aside from Yurio and Otabek. It is relatively weird considering Phichit is probably the loudest of the skaters, but Seung Gil didn't complain.
"Aww don't be so grumpy right of the bat yeah?" Phichit said nudging the other man on the side.
"Fine" Seung Gil muttered again but tried to smile a bit for Phichits sake. This seemed to energise already energised Phichit even more.
"Yay! We're going to have so much fun!" He squealed and started dragging Seung Gil out of the airport.
"Uhh Phichit we're going that way" Seung Gil pointed out and was then dragged to the opposite direction.

"Oh OH can I meet princess pretty please?" Phichit asked excitedly once they reached Seung Gils house.
"I'd love to meet her" Phichit said and smiled warmly at Seung Gil. He seemed confused for a second but soon smiled a rare smile and said
"Of course you can" and this made Phichit almost rush through the door

'Oh man I wonder what she looks like! She must be pretty if Seung Gil loves her so much... I wonder if she's nice' Phichit thought to himself while Seung Gil was trying to open the door. The key word was 'trying'.
"Hmph it's not working... oh there we go" the black haired man said and stepped inside Phichit following him.
"Princess!" He called as he was taking of his shoes.
'Uhh he calls for his girlfriend? Ok?' Phichit once again thought to himself but it didn't stop him from being excited. Soon enough a husky runs down the hallway and tackles Phichit licking his face enthusiastically.
"Hey girl" Seung Gil says and kneels down to pet the husky.
"That's cool! I didn't know you had a dog. But where's princess?" Phichit asked as well as he could from underneath the dog. Seung Gil looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked
"I mean where's your girlfriend? Princess...?" Phichit started explaining but started to realise the situation. Seung Gil was silent and then he laughed. He laughed so hard that he fell on the floor and Princess went to check on him.
"You thought..? You... ha!" Seung Gil tried to form a proper sentence but failed miserably which amused Phichit and soon enough joined the laughing man.

"Why did you think Princess was my girlfriend?" Seung Gil asked later on when everything was settled down and they were eating dinner together.
"Well I always assumed so since you talk so passionately about her" Phichit said and blushed because the whole thing sounded ridiculous.
"Oh Phichit please don't ever change" Seung Gil sighed and left Phichit even more confused than before.

Long story short it like 6 am where I live and I haven't slept at all so why not use this time productively? Sorry for writing errors if there are any

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