Chapter 3: Escape

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Only a few days left and Ivy would be out of Robbie's control for good, she was making sure to tread carefully so he wouldn't suspect anything. Robbie had actually been mostly mellow, just yelling and throwing things at the wall, so she decided to go to the store to buy some things for the journey. It took her longer than she expected and when she got home Robbie was in a foul mood.

"Where were you Ivy?" Robbie yelled and slurred at her. "You dumb girl, you never do what you're supposed to, and I'm sick of your disobedience so I'm going to teach you a lesson you will never forget!" He stepped up to her fast and grabbed her around the throat.

As he squeezed he continued berating her, "I don't even know why I'm still with you, you're so dumb, the girls I pay at the club give me more pleasure than you ever have or ever will!" Robbie then punched her in the stomach followed by a hit across her face.

Ivy groaned, when he moved his hand off her throat and punched her in ribs again. "I'm sorry I was late, please I won't do it again!" She croaked out.

"SHUT UP! Don't even try making excuses!" He roared, and kicked her in the stomach where she fell on the floor. Ivy yelled out in pain. "I said shut up! Take your punishment, you know you deserve it!" He kicked her and punched her a couple more times.

Ivy was starting to black out from the pain when she heard Robbie faintly say, "That should teach you to defy me, you dumb girl! Now you better have this house all in order by the time I get back in the morning, I'm going to go to the club where I know I'll get a girl to treat me right!" He kicked her one last time and slammed the door on his way out.

Ivy was bleeding from her nose and she was pretty sure he had bruised her ribs, she could barely lift herself up. She knew that she had to get out of there now though, a change of plans was in order, next time she wasn't sure if he would stop.

Slowly she crawled and dragged herself to her purse by the door, it took her a while but she finally got there and found her phone in her purse. She dialed and prayed that Lily would answer and be near her phone.

"Hey girl, now isn't a really good time to talk I'm at work, can I call you back?" Lily said when she answered.

"Lily, I need you..." Ivy rasped out and then must have blacked out because the next thing she knows is Lily's voice.

"Ivy! Oh my goodness, what did he do to you, come on girl please wake up! Please be okay!" Lily said frantically as she shook her a little bit.

"You came, I'll be alright in time, but I think we need to speed this up and leave now instead of in a few days." Ivy groaned, "I must have blacked out for a bit from everything."

"You scared me so much, I knew there was something wrong right away when I heard your voice and then you didn't answer me when I tried calling your name several times, I left right away and came here as fast as I could, I think I might have broken a few speeding laws on the way." Lily told her a bit shakily.

"Thank you for coming, you're going to have to help me and grab the things I have hidden here and then come and help me in the car, are you good to leave a few days early?" Ivy said somewhat concerned and relieved at the same time.

"Yeah a few days won't hurt much, here let's get you to the couch while I grab your stuff, you can direct me to where everything is, I can't believe it was this bad, I'm so sorry this happened to you Ivy." Lily said bursting into tears.

"Oh girl it's alright, I mean it isn't alright to be treated this way but what I mean is that I'm glad that you're here now and that we are leaving this all behind. I can't believe I let myself get treated this way for so long." Ivy started crying along with her best friend.

The girls spent a few minutes crying and comforting each other and then Ivy told Lily what all to get and where to find it. Lily loaded everything into her car and then she carefully helped Ivy into the passenger seat.

They arrived at Lily's place about 10 minutes after they got in the car. "Alright, here is my suggestion, we sleep here at my place tonight and get up really early in the morning and start our trip to the city. I'll call my parents and tell them that we had to leave earlier than expected, we already said goodbye to your parents yesterday so that is taken care of. I'm going to pack up my car with my things and while I'm doing that, you are going to relax in the tub to help with your injuries." Lily said once they got inside her house. "Sound like a plan?"

"That sounds like a great one, I'm sorry I can't help you pack or anything like that." Ivy replied a bit dejectedly.

"Don't even think about it, you concentrate on healing, this isn't your fault and I can get it done in no time, I'm only taking the essentials anyway." Lily responded.

Lily helped Ivy into the bathtub and then left her to go about packing up the car. Soon everything was done and the girls were sleeping and ready to get on with a new adventure.

They woke up early and hit the road, Ivy resting as best she could. Ivy felt like a weight had been taken off her shoulders the moment they got out of their tiny town and headed for something new, it was exactly what she needed and she felt Robbie's grasp on her fade the further they got. She started feeling more like herself, and she couldn't wait to see what was in store.

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