Chapter 4: A New Start

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The girls made good time on the trip, they had fun talking, singing and just excited for a new start, a clean slate. They arrived in the city and bought new cell phones and then stopped at the place they had found online to rent. Ivy was still sore but managed to help a bit and carry some small things in with her.

They set up the house as much as they could and then they looked up online some place that delivered and ordered some food, it arrived and soon the girls were relaxing after a long trip.

"Wow we are really here, I can't believe it, but at the same time it feels amazing, I love the vibe here!" Lily excitedly said.

"I know right! This place is really nice and as we get jobs and save up some money we can buy some furniture and set this place up quite nice. I don't think I can go looking for a job quite yet though. My ribs are still sore every time I breathe." Ivy was just thankful nothing was broken.

"You're right, this place will get a lot better once we set it up with some nice things, and don't you worry about it, you need to heal before you get a job, you are still bruised and people would ask what happened. I can go look for a job and that will get us by for a couple weeks while you heal." Lily optimistically stated.

"Yeah we will be alright, we have the money paid for this place for 2 months and enough money for food for a couple weeks, with the job that you get it will be enough to see us through until I can get back on my feet." Ivy started feeling better already.

"Things will only get better from here Ivy, I can feel it!" Lily smiled and hugged Ivy gently.

The next couple of weeks flew by for the girls, Lily found a waitressing job at a café called Rock Star, who knows who came up with that name and why, but it was a popular café and she made good money from it. Ivy was feeling much better and was ready to start looking for a job as well.

"Ivy, you will never believe it!" Lily burst through the door, "The café has an opening for the cashier, the person who is up front taking everyone's order and checking them out so I guess it is a bit more than a cashier position. I told them I had the perfect person and they agreed to interview you tomorrow!" Lily rambled excitedly.

"Wow, really, that would be great, it would be fun to work together too! I hope they hire me, do you think they will?" Ivy couldn't believe how everything was falling into place, maybe to make up for all the bad things that have happened in my life so far she thought.

"Of course they will, once they see how great you are, you are good with people and you know how to keep things organized and when the rush hour hits you will definitely be able to handle the pressure." Lily reassured her.

"Thank you so much for setting this up Lily, things are really looking up." Ivy hugged Lily hard.

The next day the girls went to the Rock Star Café together and the owner hired Ivy and she started that very same day. That night the girls went out and had a nice meal to celebrate.

The days quickly passed and the girls got in the swing of things and there place was finally set up to what they both liked.

One day the owner brought the girls into his office, "Lily, Ivy, you girls have done a great job and have proved that you are capable of running this place, now I have a family emergency that came up and I have to go out of town for a few days. Now if anything happens when I am away I have placed a gun under the counter, do you either of you know how to use a gun?"

"We both can actually, my father owns a ranch and taught us how to shoot." Ivy spoke up.

"Good, that is good, I hope nothing does happen but it is good to know that you girls can look out for yourselves. You can call me if there is anything you might need or in case of an emergency, I know the café will be in good hands though." He told them everything else they might need to know and then rushed out the door. Gary was an older man around their father's age and had quickly taken them both under his wings. After Gary left, the girls finished the day and closed up for the day.

"I hope everything is alright with Gary's family, I wonder what happened?" Lily wondered out loud.

"I was thinking the same thing, I also hope that everything goes smoothly here on our end." Ivy added.

"Oh I'm sure it will, I mean nothing bad has happened so far, and if something does come up, we will handle it together." Lily reassured and smiled.

"You're right, I just can't help but think something is bound to happen." Ivy worried.

"Don't think like that Ivy, we are far away from Robbie and if something bad does happen we can get through it because we are stronger than what we used to be. You have made great progress since we left." Lily hugged Ivy tightly.

"Yes I am stronger and I'm getting stronger by the day, thanks to you, what would I do without you?" Ivy shed a few tears as they hugged.

"I wouldn't know what to do without you either, you are my sister in every sense of the word and I'm so glad I have you in my life." Lily started crying as well.

It quickly turned into laughing and the girls had a great rest of the evening watching movies and talking about their childhood.

"Remember that one time when we built the fort out of your mom's sofa cushions?" Lily laughed at the memory as she said it.

"Oh my word, yes! That was so much fun! We had a lot of fun times. Remember when we went inner tubing on the river?" Ivy reminisced as she laughed hard, "You tipped yours over and we hadn't even started yet!"

"I remember," Lily started laughing harder. The girls continued until they finally had to get to sleep and start a new day. In the morning they felt refreshed and ready to take on the task of running the café.

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