The morning sun

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The first night within the castle after the curse was lifted was a lively one at that. One would assume those who were damned as household objects would take this time to rest their aching bodies, but oh no. Everyone was so caught up in catching up, they barely took notice to what time it actually was.

From the morning meal onward it seemed hearts were fluttering nonstop - as well as some mouths that couldn't just seem to shut.

The antiques who weren't lucky enough during the curse to have the ability to speak, or even have a face for that matter, either seemed to be as quiet as a mouse or they wouldn't stop talking upon turning human again.

As everyone rejoiced in the glory of their new life, they soon had to call it quits eventually. The staff had been awake for so long, that the second their heads touched one of the pillows within their quarters they were out like a light.

The servant quarters was poverty-stricken, sad, and overall definitely the most pitiful place in the entire palace - and after ten years of not being used as a sleeping chamber to the servants, it was obvious dust would eventually pile up.
But each room was just as they had left it. Each servants room was still as bland and boring as a decade before.

The staff's dwellings were located near the back of the castle. One would have to go through a series of hallways, through a heavy door - then, they were to reach the servant quarters. It was merely a hallway more than a wing within the palace. Each servant had a room - and those who were in relationships with one another or were married shared a bedroom. Aside from the couples, Chip, before the curse, shared the same bedroom as his mother. Not because there weren't any bedroom's available - due to the amount of actual servant's who were in relationships, there were plenty of empty bedrooms for the boy to take - but, Chip just felt better sleeping beside his mother. He felt safer than he would be sleeping all alone in his own room. He was with his mother all day every day. The child would occasionally make the joke that he was the servant of a servant.

Yes. The servant quarters was a pitiful excuse to call a home, but Adam, at the time was just following in the depraved footsteps as his father.
The past King believed that if a peasant was lucky enough to wait on him hand and foot, they should be thankful they were able to live inside palace - and shouldn't say a damn thing about where they slept. Going on this idea, the former King, as well as Adam before the curse, didn't pay his staff anything - giving them absolutely nothing to fall back on upon retiring. The men stuck to the idea that by allowing them to live inside of the palace - and away from the haggard and repulsive streets that the village, was good enough to keep their staff's mouths shut. Two staff members he paid monthly on occasion, however, was Madame de Garderobe and Cadenza. At one point Adam had attempted at simply paying them for the work of only one person, all because they were married. This didn't sit well with the two, clearly, so, they somehow were able to talk Adam out of his unfair plan. Although, a certain curse got in the way of those paychecks.

Even with the awful man breathing down their neck, then, his son following right after, the staff did try their best to personalize their chambers to the best of their ability. For example, they'd add their personal items to the decor or just simple things to make their little dungeon feel a bit homier whenever they were to reside there for their few precious hours of sleep.

Sleeping arrangements were not assigned.
For Adam did not feel the need to give them specific rules on where or who they slept with. But, after two staff members in particular, however, tied their knot, the Prince did become frustrated whenever the two would show up late to begin their tasks for the day.

He had quite the idea what they might've been up too. So, whenever this would happen, Adam had no issue whatsoever in scolding the two. And he made one thing crystal clear each time;

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