Seventy-four; Real Life

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    I watched as Grant typed on my phone, doing god knows what. We were on the couch with our feet up and facing each other.
    "What are you doing?" I ask. We were supposed to be binge watching Glee, but he decided to hack my phone.
    "I'm not gonna tell you until I'm done" he said, wiggling his toes. I giggle and lean forward, pulling his phone out of his jean pockets. "Hey"
    "Hello" I joke. I turn his phone on, but it's locked. Think Nicki, what would his password be?
    1234. Denied. 1725. Denied. 0987. Denied.
    "What's your password?" I ask.
    "0715" he says.
    Than it hits me. "The night we first met in Los Angeles" I say.
    "Yep" he says, looking at me with a smile.
    I go onto his Instagram and comment on a few things, I comment on the photo he posted of himself on my profile.
    While he was changing my Twitter profile, I decided I wanted my phone back before he moved onto prank texts. "Give it" I say.
    "Noooo" he says. I crawl across the couch and straddle him.
    "Give it, Thomas" I say.
    "No, Nichole" He replies. I huff and pout. "Oh, is baby Nicki upset?" Baby voice.
    "Yes, you won't give me my phone back" I say. He chuckles, placing his hands on my hips.
    "You have to find it" he says.
    "Grant" I say, semi-seriously.
    "Nicki" he replies in the exact tone. "It's no where naughty"
    I sigh. I lean down so I'm face to face with him, our noses almost touching. He stares into my eyes, I stare into his. "I love you" I blurt.
    "I know" he says. Our lips connect. It was true to, I loved him. I hated not doing this the past 3 months. I needed him around me, it felt weird not having him.
    I wrap my arms around his neck, he wraps his around my back. We break the kiss. "I've missed this" I say.
    "Same" he says. "Does this mean you don't hurt anymore?"
    "I only hurt when your not with me" I say. Holy shit am I cheesy or what? I giggle as I sit back up, holding my phone.
    "Hey" he says. I smirk, pulling out his phone as well. "Not cool"
    "Did you forget I started as a villain on the Arrow?" I ask.
    "Did you forget I'm the fastest man alive?" He asks. He flipped us so he was on top and I was on the bottom, his legs wrapped around my knees and he pinned my hands down, taking back his phone.
    "I thought Reverse-flash, Zoom, and Savitar were the fastest men alive. You know, because the flash is always saying he needs to go faster to beat them" I say, smirking. He glares.
    "Your rude" he say. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.
    "Go make me a sundae, and maybe I'll call you the fastest man alive" I say.
    "Deal" he says. Getting up and walking to my kitchen, I grab my phone and start attempting to fix my profiles.

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