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You begin to slave away and rub the dragons feet, you rub and rub.

Your hands start to hurt from all the scales, but you push on, the dragons feet reek, he moans and groans as you rub out all the sores and dead scales.

Soon you are covered in sweat, both his and your own.

You can do better however, you put your face close to the dragons giant feet. The smell makes you gag, but you really want to be free.

You put your mouth up to the foot and slowly drag your tongue up and down the scaled foot. The dragon moans and groans even louder. Soon you are using your own saliva to clean his feet.

After a few more hours of torture the dragon tells you to stop. You look up at him.

"Well well... my tiny slave might actually have a use!"

The dragon gabs you.

"I think ill keep you" the dragon says as he opens his jaw and drops you in. Only to let you out when he needs his feet clean...

You have become the dragons slave!

Good job overachiever! You did such a good job he wants to keep you!
Have fun licking feet for life!

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