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Martha's POV.

My heart was pounding. I had heard someone... And it wasn't DarkLix.

Her wolf growled as I painfully got up. After having seen all my best friends dying by lituarly my own hands, I was starting to crack. This was reliving my worst  nightmare.

Being alone.

I was alone. Only my other subconsiance was aware of my existence. I was tortured with mostly mental things. I gripped the long, cold knife tighter. It's be so easy...

A loud noise bought me back to... Well, as close to real life as I could get. I recognized that voice. I grinned. Fun time.

"Oh shut up Katy! Your giving me a headache!" I moaned, a grin forming on my lips. I saw... Well, sensed her surprise.

"MARTHA! YOUR STILL ALIVE!" Katy's ghost yelled.I felt kinda fuzzy inside. I felt special!

"Come in  here Katy!" I replied.

"How?" Her quizzing voice surprised me. She was asking me how? But she was the old one!

"Just float through my- I mean, her head." I explained. "You should get in her head. Just be care-" I was cut off by a pale blue light floating through the darkness that surrounded me. Light. LIGHT!

I ran towards it. Katy's laughter caught me off guard. "I'm happy to see you too, Martha." Her voice echoed around the void. Was Katy this?


I smiled at her. The light shifted, and became a human shape. More of a silhouette. But even from here I could see her short hair.


A friend.

I think I might make it a little further in life.

A growling from behind me reminded me of my torture. Her wolf.

Its back was hunched, and its hackles raised in anger. It was staring at us with glowing demon eyes. Well, staring at Katy.

I stepped in front of her, protectively. Then flinched when it glared at me, still growling. It suddnly pounced, a blur of black and grey fur. I shouted, and raised my arm to protect my face. The one with the knife.

It bit down on my arm. I screamed, and threw the knife to my other hand. The wolf let go, backing away and growling. Katy's eyes and mouth were in a 'O' shape. I grimaced, looking at my arm. It was a mess of flesh and blood.

While I was distracted, I didn't notice the beast coming round the back of me. It jumped, snarling. I turned. This was it. There was no time to do anything but gasp.

This was my end.

I closed my eyes, and waited for the beast to knock me to the floor and tear me up.

But nothing happened.

I opened one eye. A grey or silver wolf was on top of it. Katy or...

It was my wolf!

Katy was screaming. I ran over, to help my wolf. The one creature that would risk its own life to protect me.

The two wolves tumbled away from me, a mix of black and silver snarling ball of teeth and fangs. I ran faster, Katy floating behind me. I was there when the fatal blow... Or bite was given.

The silver wolf stopped moving and fell to the floor with a thud. The black wolf turned around, snarling at us. I raised my knife, pure anger over-taking me. This beast had killed my wolf. My only friend in this prison.

It snarled fiercely. I stared it down. It pounced, but I was ready. I slashed the air with the long knife that I had thought would take my own life. I watched at the wolf joined its companion, the blood slowly trickling out of it.

The anger vanished. I looked around at this battle field. Two dead wolves were now rapidly disappearing, with blood spattered across the floor. Katy was looking on with huge eyes, staring at the death. She wasn't as used to it as I was.

She looked at me. I looked back. We ran up to each other and hugged... Corny or what?

"I'm glad your okay..." She said. I stepped out of the embrace and smiled.

"I'm glad your okay as well." I replied in a happy voice. Then I awkwardly looked away. "So... What are we going to do?"

She looked at me again. "What do you mean?"

"What are we going to do about DarkLix?"

She blinked her glowing and hardly see-able eyes and nodded. "Yes. Erm.... Well, we cant kill her. We'd kill you!"

I smiled a sad smile now. "Do it. Kill her. I don't deserve to live."

She glared at me, and took hold of the air above my shoulders. I caught the intention. "Don't do dis. Your worth it. We'll figure something out."

A idea suddenly popped into my head. "DarkLix was talking about someone who could separate us...." I muttered. Katy still heard. Damn you super hearing!

"Who?" She asked eagerly.

I looked at her. "My Alpha."


Hello ma Budder Nuggets!

Yes dats your new name. Deal with it.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter. YAY! Martha's not alone anymore!

Okay, I hate to be the pestering person, but art has to be recognised. Therefore, if you want to see something which is okay, you should read lil_minnie's book, the wonderful wizard of uz! Its a kinda fan-fic on the wonderful wizard of oz... Surprise surprise. But it's awesome! Plus, I'm a munchkin!

Yeah. I can't imagine myself as a munchkin...


Anyways, its lil_minnies turn to write next! Can't wait to see what Emmy's up to! (But I do know..... Hehehehehehe)

Anyways, until next time ma BudderNuggets!


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