Last night

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*Dove and Ryan sat down with the twins soon after, finding the right words was a challenge but they seemed to understand it much better than they had expected, quite possibly even more than they did themselves, having spent a fun final day before the twins' 3rd birthday they had put the kids to bed and were now putting up decorations for the events of tomorrow*
Ryan: that went well
Dove: how did they get all that?
Ryan: I literally have no idea
Dove: I guess they are nearly three
Ryan: that's true, but still, when I was three I'm pretty sure I was nowhere near this intelligent
Dove: me neither
*Ryan began to hang up a happy birthday sign for the twins while Dove sat with her foot up to rest it*
Ryan: can you pass me those balloons?
Dove: but they're so far awayyyyyy
Ryan: they are literally two meters away from you
Dove: but if you factor in the crutches they're much further away
Ryan: the crutches don't move them further away
Dove: ugh
*Dove attempts to get up and makes rather an ordeal out of it, he watches her and has to fight to hold back laughter and how dramatic she was being*
Ryan: honestly you're a menace with those crutches aren't you
Dove: well my foot hurts
Ryan: did you take your painkillers
Dove: uhhh
*Ryan smiles and rolls his eyes as he gets down to give her some help*
Ryan: alright, you sit down and I'll get your pain killers
Dove: just come sit with me, I wanna have some us time
Ryan: fine, but you're taking those later otherwise you'll be in pain all night and you won't sleep a wink
Dove: okay
*Ryan sits down and dove  immediately sits next to him, flinging her legs across his lap, almost as though she was trapping him so he couldn't escape*
Dove: it feels so recent still that they came into our lives
Ryan: yeah, there's so many memories, it doesn't feel anything like 3 years ago
Dove: it was three years last month you lost your grandad
Ryan: I know
Dove: that's crazy
Ryan: he'd have loved them
Dove: yeah, I bet he would
Ryan: he loved you, he was so happy the first time he met you
Dove: I'm glad
Ryan: I miss your cute little bump
Dove: so do I sometimes
Ryan: it was nice, just you, me and a baby we were so anticipating
Dove: well, two babies
Ryan: true, you took to it like a duck to water, I was so proud of you
Dove: they made it pretty easy
Ryan: I guess they did
Dove: I miss the feeling of having them so close to me all the time, I didn't have to share, you were their dad of course, but they were with me all the time, I could feel their every movement, even if you weren't there I was never alone
Ryan: it's a totally new level of love, you just don't love anyone like you love your kids
Dove: and now it been three years since they entered our world
Ryan: thank you for them
Dove: what?
Ryan: thank you for carrying them inside you and then for bringing them into this world
Dove: I couldn't have done it without you
Ryan: you should go to bed, I'm almost finished decorating, I'm be in soon
Dove: I wanna stay here for a while
Ryan: alright, but go take your painkillers first
Dove: fineeeee


Sorry this was so crappy and took so long Ive officially gotten myself out of the hole I got myself in so here's hoping I can get this back on track for the last like 11 chapters xoxo

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