Captain Ferdinand

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"Cap! These signals have my knees weak sir, I mean... Is he on to us?"

"Oh please..." The captain groaned nearly to weeping from annoyance.

"We were sitting ducks to cruise out this far. What did I tell you? These routes are called The Trench, sir? Francis Territory to one side and the Armada as a proverbial hard place." The Signal Master panics at the results of his decoding.

His communication sensors are like two fighting roosters stuffed into the same bag as they turn each other into piecemeal. The lights are flashing red and blue then dozens of strange and bizarre symbols appear before him.

His entire station is hissing warnings and machine codes for the forms of vessels in their vicinity. Obviously the mere detection of vessels does not indicate an enemy fleet. The radioactive region makes signals unreliable and the signal master has called a red alert several times and a broad side was nearly launched against passenger ships on the last occasion.

Lieutenant Morgan Winter laughs with a dash of pity, her high and gentle voice is quick to not betray her authority over the Signal Master. To have an extremely feminine voice aboard a vessel of men is always tricky and tends to be annoying when you aren't taken seriously.

"That's rich. Not again you fool." Winter says with the rest of the Captain's cabinet. "I'm disabling your common's access for seven sols. You're a coward of a Signal Master you know. In fact next port you're out! You've been warned...too many times."

Her comrade across the bridge joins in. "Just do your job! Finish up your codes. There is no way you can know that Sir Francis himself is converging all the way out her so your can freak out again. You only have to read signals, it's important but it's not hard. If it's an English vessel, so what? We share the same waters." Lancaster Hopkins shouts. Lancaster shares his position along side Winter much to their mutual inconvenience.

They agreed it was their captain's sexism. Surely The Captain wouldn't allow for a woman to hold second in command, only over his dead body, which would have Hopkins elevated to Captain over her. The deliberate design to trap her at her rank was as underhanded as it was cruel.

Behind his back, Hopkins did promise the position to Winter should he shoot Captain Ferdinand in the back one of the following days after he insulted him viciously. He was very fond of spitting tobacco around the bridge.

Winter leads all forces on board while Lancaster leads all systems and operators. The two are often times are pulled in to settle disputes on board.

Morgan has no qualms about Lancaster taking the high ground in crimes from within the crew. She enjoys the bad cop position, it helps her vent.

"Hell, for this last incident, you've just volunteered for the boarding crew." Hopkins gives an applause followed by the captain with a mad grin.

Lancaster has made a list of "Volunteer" boarding crews to ensure obedience to both himself and Winter.

The stupidest individuals are typically caught provoking their betters and are enlisted to make up the vanguard of boarding parties. A suicidal task. And it is done without their knowledge usually, unless it is to deliberately doom an individual. Being trapped like rats is multiplied by fear. It makes one fight better in close quarters.

"You're worried about Drake aren't you?" Says Morgan Winter.

Her red hair floats around her like a whirlwind. She stretches before standing back up from her second in command chair. Standing three meters tall, her form fills her section of the bridge and makes it painfully obvious she's from the colonies.

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