Captain Drake

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"If you're listening Drake, you Void Dog! We do not treat pirates to diplomacy. You'll be shot on sight or if you surrender you'll be publicly executed painlessly. But as I am aware you know how painful deaths by thermal weapons are." The cap shouted at the machine.

"Horus, kill this fool, then give our demands." A voice cracks out of the motionless machine before them. A communication device was present.

"Right away sir, my apologies, this is so embarrassing." Horus responds with a new voice. Terrible and compulsive, with a hint of contempt.

The body moves in a rush. The captain fires more rounds but Horus's vitals are well concealed beneath layers of arms and plates. His form ever shifting. Horus grips the ceiling and the walls before launching himself in a slingshot motion. Lasers and projectiles fly from the Cap and Winter but the blasts just super-heat the metal limbs that stab their coils into Captain Ferdinand. Hopkin's weapon has remained motionless. Rolling through him and lifting him up before slamming him down with a sizzle.

It's an English Command Drone, we were dead the moment it got on board.

A recording triggers as the cap gapped as his body began to relized it had been impaled eight times. "But as I am aware, you know how painful deaths by thermal weapons are." His blood splatter spreads out. Artificial gravity is just enough to keep humans healthy and physics suffered thus making a great stain on the command deck as the blood flowed everywhere. Winter and Hopkins flinched back in terror. The multi eyed, blade flinging, skull faced servant of a murderous pirate had just found the highest point in the chain of command and set the ship into confusion.

Horus's eyes glow like sunlight before a screaming out a ringing vibration as the air whistles in violence. The teeth of Horus open up like a lion about to roar. Deathly smoke bellows from the exhaust of Horus charging his laser battery. Rays of heat connect on the captain's body turning it to ash as it convulses and sizzles away. A dozen squeaks and the sharp pitched laser has erased all evidence of the captain.

"Never shoot the messenger." Horus lets out before his tone become more friendly and less threatening.

"Now if you would please, direct me to your communications. Do so quickly or you will share your Captain's fate. I will not hesitate and fact my programing has me very eager." Horus threatens yet fully exposes his extroverted bubbly attitude.

Winter clicked four button which brought a pedestal from the floor to waist level. Winter had known this kind of situation before. Her own Colony ship was raided in her youth and with no chance of survival she'd been forced to join the Navy just to live ten more years.

"My thanks Navy woman. Your compliance has spared you. And please look me in the eyes if you'd please." Winter glanced up. Horus was a psychologically weapon as much as a physical one. Under the skull mask which had been blasted off in a heat attack, there stood grafted segments of artificial flesh and bone, just enough to keep a manmade brain functioning. The semi robot's eye sockets were focused lasers while his mouth was a revolving gun battery. A red pulse vibrates his muscles and the tension allowed him to shoot his weapons and move his coils as biological responses. "See, that wasn't so hard, a bit of formality goes far in diplomacy. Something your captain said you'd never do of course. Especially with pirates. But truthfully, I am not worried about the First Mate." Its tone grew arrogant and mocking.

"But I'm the First Mate." Winter Argued.

"No you are Captain Winter Morgan! We've intercepted your communications before. And your First Mate is Lancaster Hopkins. Congratulations on your new promotion. Captain Drake sends his regards. Attention crew of the Senora Sofia. We are delivering an ultimatum. Lay down your weapons and deliver your cargo to your main hanger, recall all fighters and all will be spared, we'll launch distress probes and you will be left with enough rations to give your population a year for rescue. The average rescue time is currently measured at two months; you will be safe. We also wish to notify you of a celebratory event. There will be drinks and cake in the mess hall. We have a promotion to celebrate, our dear Captain Morgan Winter has just been elevated from First Mate. Captain Drake sends his best wishes."

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