Writing Prompts 2

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11)  Morning
Knock knock knock !!

Lunar groaned tiredly and pressed his face against his pillow. It was way too early for a visit according to the sleeping male.

Perhaps if he didn't answer soon they'll eventually go away.

Knock knock knock !!

Two tired eyes opened slowly and glanced over to the alarm clock that showed 9:00AM real bright.

He groaned once more and settled on the idea of figuring out what the hell did this person wanted so damn early.

Knock knock knock !!

"I'm coming! Jesus Christ.." Lunar's voice was still a bit rough from the night's sleep and he swore he heard a bit of a giggle from the door.

The male got onto his feet, some bones giving a few satisfying cracks. He walked to the door and undid all the locks before he peeked outside.

He felt his brow raise when he found two bright blue eyes staring back at him. Athena?

"Good morning sleepyhead!" she greeted happily.

"Uh.." Lunar cleared his throat and offered a tiny smile. "Hi? What's brought you here so.. early?"

"I Thought I'd cook us breakfast. Sam and Chantel will be here soon so it's best you tame your wild bedhead."

"Breakfast? Bedhead?" Lunar asked with confusiom but let her in nonetheless. "What's going on?"

Athena giggled and walked in with a couple of grocery bags. "You were the chosen person as to who's apartment we're going to destroy this morning."

"Wh- no one told me this!! I would've cleaned up at least a tiny bit?"

"Jennifer's gonna be here a bit early I think? We're having chocolate chip pancakes, Lunar!" she cheered and laughed at his reaction as she left to his small kitchen.

Lunar cursed and immediately went to picking up carelessly thrown laundry on the floor.

"I hate you guys" could be heard faintly under his breath. Though for his favourite girl he will impress.

12) Eavesdropper

"Mother, it's just not fair to us!" Dero hissed and proceeded to angrily wash dishes. He wasn't pleased with Miles sudden arrival and how he could just waltz in like nothing happened.

"Now now Dee - you must understand that he has been gone for a while and he's doing his best to fit in. He feels guilty of what he's done, too." the older woman sighed deeply, placing two extra plates by Dero's side.

"I do understand! Don't you think we deserve an apology at least? Who does he think he is?!" he grumbled and scrubbed the poor cup furiously.

Mother was beginning to show signs of frustration towards her son. "He's your brother!"

"He stopped being my brother three years ago!" Dero yelled and stomped his foot hard onto the flooring. "He left five years ago and I stopped caring three years ago! Why should I start now?!"


Before mother could say anything else they had heard the front door open and shut loudly. And that moment Dero had completely forgotten that Miles was still home. He's always been here. He's been here for a whole week now.

Miles heard them.

13) Foreclosure

"We don't need a disgrace like you in our household so it's about time you leave." Lady said through grit teeth and tossed a suitcase into the teenaged boy's room. "I want you gone by tomorrow morning."

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