pity party (birthday boy 2.0)

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september 23rd, 2017

it's cold outside today..

the tree leaves were changing colour and piling down onto the grass slowly.

soon enough he'll be able to go outside and make a huge pile with the dead leaves like he always had growing up.

phoenix sat at his window, staring out into the cold colourful season of autumn.

his pine-green eyes were settled onto a specific spot though

just beneath his bedroom window.

there was a small wooden makeshift step ladder. where other people would be able to climb up and chat properly with phoenix through the glass.

he doesn't know what he's waiting for though..

for the past five years his friends would always visit him on his birthday - yelling out excitedly and laughing at the most ridiculous things

why weren't they here?
they aren't coming here now.

you see not everyone can have happy fairytale lives where friendships lasts and miracles happen.

phoenix was unfortunate enough to have life rip them away from his hands.

he gulped and stared at the leaf-covered step ladder a little longer, before turning his back and walking back to his bed

the boy allowed himself to rest his eyes as soon as he laid himself down.

his mother was out of town today, just like she always had been on his birthday. no she hasn't abandoned him on his special day. she was off to go get his favourite treats and to look for a gift or two.

so that left phoenix alone in this quiet house..

he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling curiously.

'i wonder what my frien-.. they are doing today?'

'suppose it doesn't matter to me at all anyhow.'

not that he likes to think about it but eventually phoenix had split himself from the friend group and kept his distance.

there was too much going on and half of it was his fault entirely.

he screwed himself over.

life screwed him over.

chantel planned to move onto traveling and exploring life some more. she planned to drop out of school and leave everything behind as she starts anew.

that was the first time phoenix yelled at her in a long time. and it didn't end well for the both of them either but the past is in the past.

recently athena and jennifer were stuck like glue as they continued to work on their new fancy youtube videos and streams.

don't forget that asher has samantha wrapped around his finger, and showering her in attention constantly. taking her away completely.

lunar? phoenix hasn't seen lunar in forever and it's not like he got along with him anyway.

still, he hoped that every single one of them was doing better than he was.

not in a cold grey room alone- not sulking and desperately hoping for something to happen

not alone on your damn birthday

september 24th, 2017

that early morning, there was a harsh knock on phoenix' bedroom window thus startling him awake.

he blinked several times before shifting on his bed so he was facing the window.

the sky was grey per-usual and there were some leaves out on his window sill but that wasn't what caught his attention first

sitting on his windowsill were three items.. a pink cupcake,  a card, and a small shopping bag.

phoenix sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, before stumbling over to the window and opening it.

the boy shivered at the cold air, but moved to pick up the card first.

'happy birthday peeb
im sorry im late or couldnt attend your wild house party yesterday (wink) but please take these and enjoy ur day or w/e
-andrew '

"andrew? who the hell is andrew?" phoenix mumbled with a raised brow.

he tried to work his still sleepy mindset, and swore when he remembered.

shit wait

lunar has a real name, that's right.

it should've been obvious with that stupid nickname ugh.

the male wanted to yell and throw out the cupcake and tear the card apart but at the same time he wanted to enjoy it all.

phoenix hates having mixed feelings towards lunar.

he sighed and put aside the card before turning to the shopping bag and opening it.

inside was some shiny new camera lenses and he swears that he's never smiled so damn fast.

it was for the damn camera that lunar got him last year..

he looked up to the cupcake and suddenly eating it didn't seem like a bad idea.

it's not like mom was here to nag him about sweets in the morning anyway..

phoenix picked up the cupcake and shut the window. he instantly climbed back into his still warm bed with a small smile over his lips.

..despite his terrible mistakes and frustrating stubbornness.. at least he knows lunar hasn't let him go or forgotten about him entirely.

he briefly wonders if it's time to finally text lunar back.

(( finally wrote something for his bday on time!! i feel like lunar and phoenix have a really tough rocky friendship but at the end it's always worth it for em ))

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