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"Felix, Please come to my office ASAP." Principal Davis's voice boomed out of the speakers. 
Oh Gads, what did I do now? I thought, hesitated before standing up slowly. Principal Davis's voice repeated the message. All the other students in the class stared after me as the door closed behind me with a clang. Everly, my crush since fifth grade past me in the hall.
"Did you get in trouble?" She asked, eyeing the hall pass in my hand. I shrugged.
"I don't know. Maybe." I stood awkwardly there then turned around and began walking towards the principals office.
"Hey, Felix? Do you want to maybe...um...hangout after school?" I snapped around, my cheeks turning bright red.
"-uh...y-...yah. Yah, sure sounds good." I stuttered trying to sound cool and very macho, but macho was so not a word to describe me. I was a skinny person who was all skin and bones. Barely any muscles were visible and my ribs almost always could be seen through my shirts. I waved by then proceeded to stumble down the hall like an idiot, but a happy idiot.
I opened the door to the office and walked in.
"You're finally here. What took you so long?" Principal Davis sat on his desk. His toupee was not on his head today, showing his receding hairline. A boy sat on a chair facing the window, his back towards me.
"Um...private matter?" I said nervously, eyeing the boy who still hadn't turned around.
"Am I in trouble?" I asked the principal.
"No, not at all. This is Luke." He gestured to the weird boy.
"He...um...looks a little bit like you?" Principal Davis said nervously just as the school bell rang. Principal Davis left the room to check on a crying second grader.  Luke swiveled around.
"Yah, I look exactly like you. Yes, it's weird. Yes, we need to talk, now." Davis was right, Luke looked exactly like me. From his wavy brown hair to his tall, lanky body.
"Um, OK? The thing is, a girl kinda-"
"Nuh-uh. We talk first, then you can frolick in a meadow with the girl." Luke interrupted me rudely.
"I don't frolick!" I replied angrily.
"Oh, that's right. You skip!" He winked at me, then dashed out the door. I could tell immediately, he and I was not going to work out. He was to happy and I was always, well, always moping.

Later that day I met Everly at a tree inside the park. I had ditched little happy sunshine rainbows boy. Everly and I sometimes hung out but not very often. Since last fall we had hung out more, then her dad had left and we didn't hang out, until now.
As the sun set she stood up to leave, swinging her backpack over her shoulder.
"Well, thanks for the snacks. I'll see you at school?" I nodded.
"Do you maybe want to hangout again, tomorrow I mean?"
Gosh, why did she make me so nervous? I thought to myself.
"Yah sure. See you. Bye!" She walked away, the sun shining in her bright blue eyes. Then I saw something that startled me. A flash of red in her eyes, then it was gone. Shaking my head, I gathered my books and left the park.
Opening the door to my room, I collapsed on the bed grinning.
"Hey Felix." My creepily happy doppelganger popped out the tree next to my window.
"AH! Oh my gods! Luke!?" He slipped through the open window.
"You avoided me today. We have a lot to talk about, you and me. You have to learn how to control your powers before the summers solstice in two weeks."
I gawked, my mouth hanging open. Powers? What powers? I don't have powers. Luke looked at me square in the eye.
"OK promise me you won't freak by what I'm about to tell you and please don't faint like a little girl." I rolled my eyes.
"Yah, OK. I doubt my "powers" are really special anyway." I crossed my arms and sat down. Luke took a deep breath and ruined my life in five minutes.

Hey guys. I hope you all liked this so far. My goal is to get up to 5 votes! Constructive criticism is welcomed and yes I realized my grammar is not the best. Oops?

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