chapter 1

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Sara and Summer were watching the Outsiders. Summer said oh my god Soda is so hot. Sara said yeah I want to date Dally so he can protect me. Summer said yeah Pony and Darry needs to make out. Summer and Sara squel. Sara said I wish that you and me can meet Outsiders girl. Summer said yeah. Sara said I'm sure that Soda will get your mind off of Ryan Ray and I'm sure he will kiss you so hot. Summer said yeah since you don't have your mom and dad and sister here since they died and I'm glad that you move on. Sara said yeah. Sara said well it's time for bed. Summer said good night. Sara said good night. Next morning Sara woke up and got dressed and went to Summer's room and knock. Summer said what. Sara said it's time to get up. Summer said okay. Sara said Summer um we got a problem we are in The Outsiders movie. Summer said really. Sara said yes. Summer ran to where Sara is. Summer said awesome. Sara said hey Summer grab your phone okay. Summer said what about yours. Sara said I have it. Summer said oh. Summer got her phone and I grab my purse with my phone in it and my headphones put them in my purse and my tablet in the purse. Summer said ready let's go. Sara open the door to the DX. Soda said hello ladies how are you today. Sara said fine. Summer said you look handsome. Soda said thank you beautiful. Sara said my name is Sara and this is my friend Summer. Soda said names Soda. Summer said well I don't have a boyfriend and I was wondering if you can take me on a date. Soda said sure cutie. Summer squel. Sara said thank you for being my friend's boyfriend. Soda said no problem. Soda said come over to my house with me. Sara said sure. Soda took Sara and Summer over to his house. Soda said hey guys meet my girlfriend and her friend. Darry said hi my name is Darry this is Dally Two-bit Steve Johnny and Ponyboy. Sara said nice to meet you my name is Sara this is my friend Summer who is Soda's girlfriend. Dally said so Sara would you like to come with me on a date. Sara said sure. Johnny said Two-bit and me and Steve are going bye. Sara said bye. Summer said hey Johnny go on a date with Steve and go an make out with each other. Johnny said s-sure Summer. Johnny was blushing. Darry said well I will be making dinner if you girls would like to stay. Sara said thank you Darry. Sara said hey Soda I am getting the feeling that Pony over there has a crush on Darry. Soda said yep he does he told me and the gang not Darry he said it's a secret. Sara said okay hey Pony can I watch a sunset with you. Ponyboy said sure. Sara said wow so pretty. Ponyboy said you watch sunsets before. Sara said yeah me and Summer are from Kansas but I made a wish and it cane true to meet you guys. Ponyboy said really. Sara said yep oh I love the story that you wrote about you and the gang and your brothers and I love it. Ponyboy said thank you. Sara said come inside with me I am going to change your hair color. Ponyboy said but it's redish color. Sara said I know but I am making it pretty. After with the hair color red rose. Sara said okay open your eyss. Ponyboy open his eyes and saw his hair so pretty. Ponyboy said woah. Sara said red rose hair color make you pretty. Dally said so pretty. Sara said I know. Darry said woah Pony um you look cute. Ponyboy said thank you Darry. Ponyboy and Darry blushed. Sara said no way I knew this. Dally said what. Sara said hm oh nothing. Summer said so cute oh Sara your neko mode just activate. Sara said whoops. Dally said so sexy when you are a neko. Sara said thank you. Soda said yeah it is sexy. Ponyboy said hey Sara you just like me with neko mode. Sara said yep. Soda said baby let's go out to see the stars. Summer said really yey let's go sexy. They left. Sara said oh those to are funny. Ponyboy said yeah hey Sara can we talk. Sara and Ponyboy went into the kitchen. Sara said what is it. Ponyboy said I have a disease called a standstill and I need the gang to not stress me out. Sara said okay. Ponyboy said thank you for listening to me. Sara said it's cool. Ponyboy said good night. Sara said yeah you too. Dally said I am sleeping on the couch. Ponyboy said Sara you can have my old room. Soda said yeah oh Pony you will be sleeping in Darry's room. Ponyboy said fine. Soda said Summer you will be with me. Summer said okay if you are going to touch me I am okay with it. Darry said girls you can stay too. Summer said sure. Sara said thank you oh and if I hear moaning coming out of Darry's room Pony I will know that you and Darry are having sex in his room. Ponyboy said okay. Ponyboy blushed red. Sara said I'm just kidding Pony. Ponyboy said I know.

Find out on the next chapter of Sara and Summer time travel to Outsiders bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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