My dream guy tag

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I was just skimming through people's journals and I thought why not do it too? xD it's an old tag so~

Let's see, my dream guy huh. I've never had a crush let alone been in love (I'm only 14 haha). I think that's because I have high expectations or maybe because I'm way too closed off and seem unapproachable.

But I still want someone in my life with whom I can have late night talks, do all the mushy stuff, I want someone to look at me and smile that happy smile, only reserved for me.

I only have one close friend, I have to put up with the rest because they're the children of my dad's friends.

I want to talk about how much I crave a really beautiful platonic relationship, but this is about romantic so let's skip that.

Trust, that's what I want in a relationship, I want to trust that guy and I want him to do the same.

I don't ever want him to choose between me or his friends, be it girls or guys idc. That's an asshole-ish thing to do and same goes for him.

I want our relationship to be comfortable, I want us to be honest with each other, so that we can talk about anything and everything.

About physical appearance, idk because I don't have a face in mind and it depends on what you find hot tbh. It'd be cute if he has dimples because I'm a sucker for those ;-)

I don't want to sacrifice my dreams for him, I want him to understand them and I'd do the same.

I don't tolerate cheating, emotionally or sexually idc, both of them are just horrible. Either you love a person or you don't. There's no "confusion" or love triangles in real life, like in those teen fics smh. If you ever have to choose, do me a favour and never ever choose me.

Sometimes I can be too much to put up with, I can ask you to leave, I'd cry, I'd scream, I won't say a thing, I won't be able to tell you what makes me sad, I'd fake being happy, like I do. But I still want you there with me, holding my hand, instead of giving up.

I'm gonna tag people bc why not and it doesn't just have to be a guy, it can be your dream girl too :D 

vybuls AGUSTES arctcimilli KrimsonQueen_ tsuyus

If you've done it, ignore it and if you haven't do it xD

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