Random update

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Just a lil update about my sad boring life-

Today my cousin and aunt are coming, I'm really excited about it xD He's closest to what I have for brother, we basically grew up together xD My aunt's amazing too, she pampers me a lot I love her vv much, she's basically the mother figure in my life.

And great news, my mom's going to visit her parents on 8th and she'll be back after 20-25 days, which I'm really happy about. 

It's really hot rn, last week the weather was amazing but now, I think I'm gonna get fried lol.

Day before yesterday, a kid spilled coke all over me. I seriously wanted to murder him. I love kids, I really do but sometimes they're plain demons :((

Yesterday I just watched rom coms, I felt so lazy ahh, I'm too lazy to complete my hw rn, someone do it for me-//slapped

Which reminds me, I wanna talk to my friends on here somewhere other than wp, because it's easy to talk on kik, telegram, line etc

Someone teach me how to talk about your feelings, I'm always the listener, the advice giver. Sometimes I wish I can talk about myself but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it.

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