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Ariana had just came back from her date disappointed. She didn't know why but she always felt like something was missing in her relationship. Sure, she did love her boyfriend but sometimes she felt like her heart wasn't completely into the relationship. After she realized how ridiculous her thoughts were, she brushed them off. To get her mind off things, she turned on the radio. She gasped once she heard a voice she hasn't heard in a while. It was no other than Harry Styles. Her heart fluttered once she remembered the first time she met him. He was the sweetest person she had ever met. Ariana couldn't help but miss him, they tried to kept contact after recording 'just a little bit of your heart', but it was hard due to their hectic schedules. She smiled as she listened to his beautiful song. Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone went off, notifying that she had a text message. Ariana looked at her phone to realize it was her boyfriend. She couldn't help but feel guilty when she realized, she wished it was Harry instead.

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