Lost All Trust

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**Koovira's P.O.V.**

I couldn't believe my eyes and it took everything I had not to have a breakdown right there in front of this stranger. He couldn't really be Jason, could he? I mean, I know strange things happen when you are in this line of work but we all watched him die... Bruce picked apart the video when Joker shot him to see if there was any way his body armour held up and he might still be alive but to no avail. At that range with that caliber weapon and priorly damaged armour, there was no way it would have held up and the bullet couldn't have missed a vital organ from there. Jason was gone. Until now that is...

All the way down from his action to his looks to his voice were all the same. My heart had fluttered almost to the point of flat lining when he took off that mask and I had caught a glimpse of those piercing green eyes underneath that white and black veil of silky hair.

'Jason' was a few buildings behind but was making good time in catching up to me. If there was anyone I felt okay with telling them what just happened it would be Dick. He had gotten the memo when I was talking to him that I was lying in saying I was alone in the penthouse thus he was having me meet him at Wayne Plaza.

"Nightwing, are you there?" I spoke into the microphone that was under my mask, the cowl hiding the earpiece.

"Waiting on you gorgeous."

"Just a heads up, this guy is claiming he's Jason. He looks exactly like him down to the way he acts and those eyes. The resemblance is nothing short of uncanny. His uniform is some spin off of the Batman and the body armour is top line with the Arkham symbol on the front. He's packing some serious fire power on him too, his guns are even bigger than mine and high tech design."

"Well, let's hope we can just talk this out." Dick's nonchalant voice turned a little softer, more comforting. "I'm here for you if you need me. I still wish you would give up this Witch Hunter thing and go back to being Batgirl..."

I sighed, "Once you cross that line, there is no going back. Not because I can't, because I don't want to. From then on I was doing things my way and I'm getting shit done." another brief sigh, "I'm almost there, this guy is about three buildings behind me now."

It was only moments before I crested the top of Wayne Plaza, damn near toppling into Dick when I flew over the railing. Both of us tumbled out of the way, narrowly missing each other. Waiting until this Arkham character joined us, Dick and I stood some ways apart in silence. I could tell he was looking at me but I wouldn't meet his gaze. It was so easy to tell when Dick was worried or worked up and right now he was a little of both. Someone who broke into my decently high security penthouse claiming to be my deceased boyfriend was on his way here, I had 'fallen off the deep end' and started murdering criminals, and Dick was losing me all together. He had been my solid rock when I was so torn up about Jason's death and it took me a couple months to actually break but when I did, I pushed everyone away. My old life was gone and I had switched sides of the coin. Dick hadn't taken that well and wanted me to go back to the way I was before.

Our mystery man joined us on the roof and all guards were up. Dick was the first to speak.

"You know it isn't nice to break into ladies houses uninvited."

"You're one to talk Dickie-bird." Everyone involuntarily stopped breathing for a split second. How would he know that? Only the bat family knew that kind of sensitive information.

"How would you know that?" Dick moved closer to me. "Only select few people know that kind of info."

"I know a lot more about this group than you might think." This guy reached up to take his helmet off again. There's no way that's Jason. No way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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