Part 4

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Kagome felt so embarrassed but didn't let that ruin the moment. Inuyasha was now staring at her moving closer to her, she closed her eyes and he kissed her. She felt his face heat up and he pulled away attempting to cover his now blushing face with his red kimono. The dog demon was now embarrassed and couldn't even master the words to say. She showed a soft smile and said "well goodnight."
"I'll see you tomorrow." He informed before climbing into the windowsill and looking back at the girl with a smile and disappearing into the night.
That night Kagome was unable to sleep and remember over and over again the time she spent with Inuyasha. She could tell that he was so worried about her and that told her that he cared.
The next day
Inuyasha had spent the night at Kagome's house not bothering to go back to the feudal era. He was didn't want to leave without her and knew that the others wouldn't stop mocking him if he came back alone.
The sky grew brighter and as usual Inuyasha was unable to sleep. He was looking forward to today. Today was the day that Kagome would be discharged from the hospital and they were able to do things together. Just the two of them.

Kagome didn't get discharged until the afternoon. The boy spent ages tapping on the table inside the Higurashi residence. He was unsure of how these things worked and wanted to do something for her when she was ready to leave. Kagome's mother walked in with a basket full of laundry. She had noticed that Inuyasha was frustrated and in deep thought. "You thinking of what to get for Kagome?" Inuyasha snapped out of his deep thought and looked at the woman helplessly. "How did you know."
"Intuition" she stated with a grin on her face starting to fold the clothes into a pile on the chair. She heard him sign, "Just get her flowers, she will love them. "Thank you!" He ran out without hearing the mothers say "You're welcome."

"Miroku, don't you think that Inuyasha has been gone for too long. I wish one of us could go back and get them already." The little fox demon asked biting into his apple. Shippo was irritated that Inuyasha was wasting so much of their time.
"I think it's been too long, they can catch later, Inuyasha knows our cent. Besides, we have finished stocking up and have everything we need."
"I've heard from out neighbour village there have spotted demon nearby. We should see if there is a shard over there before they get away."
"Your right its only close by  and we need to try and get as far ahead as possible, before Naraku." Sango pointed out as kirara appeared behind her.
The flowers were collected (from the neighbour's garden) but they were beautiful. Inuyasha's hands were covered in dirt but he hurried towards the hospital. Her and the family stood in the corridor speaking to the doctor. Kagome was in her own clothes walking out with one crutch. As well as being in a coma for a few days Kagome had broken her leg and had to stay off it fo another month. She clutched onto the crutch trying to get the hang of her new way of walking, she didn't want to be dependent and force people to work. She looking and saw Inuyasha staring at her with caution making sure the girl didn't fall. She turned around bowing. "Thank you doctor," she smiled.
"You were a wonderful patient to have Kagome." The middle aged man grinned before turning back towards the room filled with patients.
"Um.." the demon started to blush displaying the flowers in front of the young girl. "Thank you Inuyasha," her face lit up as she continue to walk carefully towards the doors. The sun was bright and the couple stilled in an awkward silence.
They both were sneaking glances at each other. It was like a date.
"So what do you want to do first?" Inuyasha asked avoiding eye contact and scratching his head.
"Don't we have to get back, the others have been waiting for a long time," the girl was concerned that she was the one to stop the who journey for her own needs. She frowned. "Don't worry about it the thing we are all concerned with now is your health." She saw him blush, with a grin on her face. But she wasn't watching where she was going, kagome stumbled almost hitting the ground but he caught her just before.
The boy stared bet quickly made the event awkward by turning away. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.
"Umm.... I know what I want to do now."
"What's that." Inuyasha followed the girl now the street toward the giant building labelled 'mall'. The boy stared at the anonymous building scared to go inside. "What the hell is this."
"We're going shopping !" Kagome was so excited about going out with the boy she liked and giving him a complete make over.

The monster fell to the ground at the shard was extracted from the body that immediately turned to ash. "Yes! We did it we are one step closer."
We should really wait for the others now and go back to lady Kaede." Miroku informed. Shippo stared at the shard between his two fingers wondering where his friends were. "Miroku, don't you find it strange that only Inuyasha and Kagome could go through the well?"
"That's because Kagome has the shard
Of the shikon jewel and but I don't know about Inuyasha.
A smile grew on the fox demon's face. Maybe just maybe if he had a shard he would be able to travel to Kagome's world. After all he is also a demon.

I will try to update more frequently now sorry.

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